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- Shotaro Kitajima, Kwangyn Jung and Norihiko Nishizawa, "206 MHz fully stabilized all-PM dispersion-managed figure-9 fiber laser comb," Scientific Repports 14, 7108 (2024)
- Yifei Zhu, Shotaro Kitajima, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "A fast prediction framework for multi-variable nonlinear dynamic modeling of fiber pulse propagation using DeepOnet," Applied Science 14, 8154 (2024)
- Shotaro Kitajima, Sakiko Kobata, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Programmable spectral peak generation by a mode-locked Er-fiber laser with an intracavity LCOS-SLM filter," Optics Letters 49, 6529 (2024)
- Naoki Sakata, Shotaro Kitajima, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Spectral peak filtering using nonlinear polarization interferometer based on polarization maintaining fiber," Optical Fiber Technology 89, 104079 (2024)
- 西澤 典彦, "ファイバーレーザー事はじめ", OPIE’24, パシフィコ横浜(神奈川), 4月24日-26日
- ⻄澤 典彦, "高次機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と応用展開", 光産業技術マンスリーセミナー, オンライン, 2024/7/16
- Shotaro Kitajima, "Sub-100 fs Kerr-lens mode-locked thin-disk lasers with novel Yb-doped gain media," SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2024, Nantong International Convention Center, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China, 2024/10/12-14, Paper 13232-7
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Yui Ozawa, Shotaro Kitajima, "Pedestal-suppressed spectral peak generation and amplification using nonlinear fiber loop mirror with molecular gas cell and fiber Raman amplifier" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- Shotaro Kitajima, Sakiko Kobata, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Programable spectral peak generation from mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser with LCOS-SLM spectral filter" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- RONGJIE ZHANG, Futa Osaki, Shotaro Kitajima, Junya Yamamoto, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Development of OCT in 2-um spectral region by using an all-fiberized ultrashort Tm-Ho co-doped fiber laser" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- Futa Osaki, Rongjie Zhang, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Characteristics of 2 um OCT based on Tm-Ho co-doped fiber laser supercontinuum" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- Sota Sakaguchi, Shotaro Kitajima, Kwangyun Jung, Norihiko Nishizawa, "152 MHz All-PM Er-doped Figure-9 fiber laser optical frequency comb" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- Shohei Takada, Keisuk Fukazawa, Shotaro Kitajima, Ying Zhou, Takeshi Saito, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Evaluation of dual-wavelength mutual saturable absorption characteristics of single-walled carbon nanotube films" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- YIFEI ZHU, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, Takeshi Saito, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Dual comb spectroscopy measurement using all-polarization maintainingsingle-cavity SWNT mode-locked dual-comb fiber laser" The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2024), Yokohama, Japan, 22-26, Apr., 2024
- Shotaro Kitajima, Sota Sakaguchi, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Master-Follower Dual Comb System based on 207 MHz Repetition Rate Optical Frequency Combs," 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, 2024/8/4-9, Mo2E-5
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Yui Ozawa, Shotaro Kitajima, "Power Scaling of Spectral Peaked Optical Frequency Comb Using Fiber Raman Amplifier at λ = 1.65 um," 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), Songdo Convensia, Incheon, Korea, 2024/8/4-9, Mo2E-5
- Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Sub-50 fs Kerr-Lens Mode-Locked Yb:KLuW Thin-Disk Laser," Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference2024 (ASSL2024), Grand prince hotel Osaka, Osaka, Japan, 2024/10/20 -24, AM1A.5
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Yui Ozawa, Shotaro Kitajima, Momo Mukai, Hideki Tomita, Koji Hashiguchi, Hiroshi Abe, "Power Scaling of Optical Frequency Comb Sources at λ = 1.4 μm Using Fiber Raman Amplifier," Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference2024 (ASSL2024), Grand prince hotel Osaka, Osaka, Japan, 2024/10/20 -24, JW2A.38
- レーザー学会第44回年次大会(東京,2024年1月),一般講演4件(西澤、北島、臼井、古畑)
- 第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演4件(西澤、北島、朱、坂口)
- 第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (朱鷺メッセ、新潟、2024/9/16-20), 一般講演8件, (北島、坂口、朱、高田、伊東、大橋、小澤、加藤)
- レーザー学会第590回研究会「次世代ファイバレーザー技術」(名古屋大学、名古屋, 2024/11/22), 一般講演7件, (尾崎、坂口、朱、高田、伊東、小澤、加藤)
- Optics & Photonics Japan 2024 (電気通信大学, 東京, 2024/11/29-12/1), 一般講演1件 (尾崎)
- Yign Chen, Masahito Yamanaka, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Tunable quasi-supercontinuum generation in a 1.7 µm spectral band for spectral domain optical coherence tomography," Optics Continuum, vol. 2, no.9, pp.1941-1949 (2023)
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Kwangyun Jung, and Shotaro Kitajima, "Background-reduced spectral peak generation using a nonlinear loop mirror with a gas cell," Optics Letters Vol. 48, Issue 18, pp. 4869-4872 (2023)
- N. Nishizawa, S. Kitajima, Y. Sakakibara, H. Tomita, and H. Abe, "Spectral peak generation using ultrashort pulse fiber lasers," Proceedings of SPIE 12400, Fiber Lasers XX: Technology and Systems, 1240019 (2023) (Invited)
- Kwangyun Jung, Shotaro Kitajima, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Frequency modes filtering of spectral peaks in optical frequency combs through molecular gas absorption and nonlinear polarization rotation," Optics Express, Vol.31, No.17, pp.27935-27947 (2023)
- Yign Chen, Masahito Yamanaka, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Speckle-Reduced Optical Coherence Tomography Using a Tunable Quasi-Supercontinuum Source," Photonics, vol.10, no.12, p.1338 (2023)
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバレーザー光源を用いた高侵達バイオイメージング・環境計測への展開」,電子情報通信学会,シンポジウム~光技術がSDGsに貢献できるかどうか考えよう~,CI-1-4, 2023年9月12~15日,名古屋大学
- 西澤典彦,「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と応用」,第68回物性若手夏の学校,集中ゼミ,2023年8月12~16日,奥琵琶湖(ハイブリッド形式)
- 西澤典彦,北島将太朗,「超短パルスファイバレーザーを用いたスペクトルピークの生成」.レーザー学会年次大会,2023年1月18~20日,ウインクあいち,名古屋
- 西澤典彦,「FL研究会10周年に際して」,レーザー学会年次大会,FL研究会10周年記念シンポジウム,2023年1月18~20日,ウインクあいち,名古屋
- N. Nishizawa, S. Kitajima, Y. Sakakibara, H. Tomida, andH. Abe, "Spectral peak generation using ultrashort pulse fiber lasers," SPIE Photoincs West, LASE102, (January 29-February 3, 2023, San Francisco, USA)
- 西澤 典彦, "ファイバーレーザー事はじめ," OPIE’23, パシフィコ横浜(神奈川), 2023年4月 19日~21日
- Norihiko Nishizawa and Masahito Yamanaka, "Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers for Deep Tissue Imaging," CLEO2023 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, California, USA, 7–12 May 2023, S&I 11: Fiber Photonics: Novel Phenomena, Lasers, Systems and Fabrication
- Norihiko Nishizawa, "Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber lasers using nonlinear fiber effects and their applications," AFL(Advanced Fiber Laser)2023, C1-2 (China, Nov.10-12) (Keynote Talk)
- 西澤典彦,「光干渉断層計測(光コヒーレンストモグラフィー)OCTによる高分解能非破壊内部計測」光とレーザーの科学フェア2023,可視化技術セミナー,11月7~8日,パシフィコ横浜
- 西澤典彦,「光干渉断層計測(光コヒーレンストモグラフィー)OCT」「放射光の量子性・干渉性に基づく革新的計測手法の探索」研究会,11月18日,分子研,岡崎
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバレーザー技術の新展開」特集号によせて,レーザー研究,第51巻第3号,p.4-5, 2023.
- 西澤典彦,榊原陽一,山中真仁,「超短パルスファイバレーザー光源を用いた高分解能光干渉断層計測」,レーザー研究,第51巻第3号,p.37-41, 2023.
- 西澤典彦,「光と物質の量子相互作用ハンドブック」,第4編 量子相互作用とデバイス,第3章 ファイバ増幅器・レーザー,エヌ・ティー・エス,2023年3月刊行
- 西澤典彦,「バイオイメージングの最前線,総論」,オプトロニクス,No.500, p.86 (2023)
- 山中真仁,西澤典彦,「超短パルスファイバレーザー光源を用いた生体の第3の窓における深部OCT・2光子励起イメージング」, オプトロニクス,No.500, pp.87-93 (2023)
- Rongjie Zhang, APLS2023, Best student presentation award, 2023.9
- Sakiko Kobata, ALPS2023, Best student oral paper award, 2023/4
- Rongjie Zhang, ALPS2023, Best student poster paper award, 2023/4
- 西澤典彦,感謝状(第43回年次大会実行委員長としての貢献に対し),レーザー学会,2023
- 西澤典彦,貢献賞(創立30周年記念),中部レーザー応用技術研究会,2023
- N. Nishizawa, K. Jung, S. Kitajima, "Pedestal suppressed spectral peak generation using nonlinear fiber loop mirror and mollecular gas cell, " APLS2023, AW1-02, Hakodate, Japan, Sep. 4-7, 2023.
- R. Zhang, J. Yamamoto, F. Osaki, S. Kitajima, Y. Zhou, T. Saito, Y. Sakakibara, N. Nishizawa, "Development of optical coherence tomography in 2 um wavelength region using an all-fiberized ultrashort Tm-Ho co-doped fiber laser," APLS2023, AW1-04, Hakodate, Japan, Sep. 4-7, 2023.
- Y. Chen, S. Kitajima, N. Nishizawa, "High resolution and low speckle OCT imaging using quasi-supercontinuum laser source," APLS2023, GW1-03, Hakodate, Japan, Sep. 4-7, 2023.
- Shotaro Kitajima, Kwangyun Jung, Norihiko Nishizawa, "F reely Controllable Spectral Peak Generation Using 206 MHz All-PM Fiber Laser Comb and LCOS-SLM," CLEO2023 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, California, USA, 7–12 May 2023, SM1L.3
- Kwangyun Jung, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, " Nonlinear Polarization Rotation-Based Spectral Peaking Mode Filtering From Molecular Gas Absorption Spectra in Femtosecond Lasers," CLEO2023 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, San Jose, California, USA, 7–12 May 2023, SM1F.4
- Shotaro Kitajima, Kwangyun Jung, Norihiko Nishizawa, "206 MHz All-PM Figure-9 Fiber Laser Comb for Freely Controllable Spectral Peak Generation," ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS4-02
- Kwangyun Jung, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Multiple spectral peaks filtering through nonlinear polarization rotation with femtosecond lasers and semiconductor optical amplifiers," ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS23-04
- Ryuichiro Usui, Kohei Kato, Kwangyun Jung, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Advancement of All Polarization-Maintaining Dual-Comb Using Two Figure-9 Fiber Lasers" ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS
- Sakiko Kobata, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Generation of Controllable Spectral Peaking Utilizing LCOS-SLM and Nonlinear Fiber" ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS
- Tomiki Saibara, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Real-time, high-resolution OCT using broadband supercontinuum light in the 800 nm wavelength band" ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS
- Naoki Sakata, Kwangyun Jung, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Extraction of spectral peaks using a fiber-type nonlinear polarization interference loop mirror" ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS
- "Jingzhe Zhang, Keisuke Fukazawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, Shotaro Kitajima, Rongjie Zhang, Takeshi Saito, Yin Zhou, Yuichi Sakakibara, "Mid-Infrared Optical Pulse Generation Using Ultrashort Tm-Ho Fiber Laser and Single-Mode ZBLAN Fiber" ALPS2023 The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan + Online, 18-21, Apr., 2023, ALPS
- レーザー学会第43回年次大会 (名古屋,2023年1月),一般講演10件(北島,Chen, 水津,張,深澤,山中,臼井,古畑,西原,坂田),招待講演2件(西澤)
- 量子制御生命研究会 (名古屋大学,2023年1月),一般講演3件(山中,Chen,西原),招待講演1件(西澤)
- 第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演4件(西澤,北島,Jung, 坂田)
- 第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (熊本,2023年9月19-23日),一般講演10件 (西澤,北島,臼井,古畑,坂田,西原,Zhang, 尾崎,坂口,高田)
- 2023年度CRESTワークショップ (熊本,2023年9月19日),一般講演3件 (古畑,坂田,坂口)
- 次世代FL委員会 (熊本,2023年9月21日),一般講演4件(小畑、Zhang、坂口、高田)
- 次世代FL研究会(名大,2023年11月27日),一般講演7件 (北島,臼井,古畑,坂口,坂田,張,高田)
- N. Nishizawa, S. Kitajima, and Y. Sakakibara, "Spectral peaking in an ultrashort-pulse fiber laser oscillator with a molecular gas cell," Optics Letters, vol.47, no.10, pp.2422-2425 (2022)
- N. Nishizawa, S. Kobata, and S. Kitajima, "Controllable, intense spectral peaking with spectral filter and optical fiber," Optics Letters, Vol.47, No.23, pp. 6165-6168 (2022)
- K. Fukazawa, Y. Zhou, S. Kitajima, T. Saito, Y. Sakakibara, N. Nishizawa*, "Dispersion-managed Tm-Ho co-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using single-walled carbon nanotube and spectral filter," Applied Science, Vol.12, 12369 (2022)
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバーレーザー事はじめ」, OPIE‘22 レーザー特別セミナー, 2022年4月20-22日,パシフィコ横浜, 神奈川
- 山中真仁,園山大地,湯川博,徳永真登,馬場嘉信,西澤典彦,「第3の生体窓の光を利用した生体イメージング」,レーザー学会第42回年次大会, 2022年1月12~14日,オンライン開催
- 西澤 典彦,「超短パルスファイバレーザーを用いたスペクトルピークの生成」, 超高速光エレクトロニクス(UFO)研究会 第4回研究会, 2022年6月21日, 電気通信大学
- 西澤 典彦, 「広帯域超短パルスファイバレーザー光源を用いた生体イメージング~生体の第3の窓を用いた生体深部観測~」, 第4回光・レーザー関西 2022 オープンセミナー, マイドームおおさか(大阪), 2022/07/20
- 西澤 典彦, 「光コヒーレンストモグラフィー(OCT)の進展」, 第41回日本医用画像工学会大会(JAMIT2022), 名古屋大学(愛知), 2022/7/29~31
- ⻄澤 典彦, 山中 真仁, 「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザ光源による高侵達 OCT/ 多光子イメージング」, 2022年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, オンライン開催, 2022/9/6~9
- 西澤典彦,山中真仁,「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザーを用いた第3の生体の窓における生体深部イメージング」,生物物理学会第60回年会,1SEA-2,2022年9月28~30日,函館アリーナ(函館)
- 西澤典彦,北島将太朗,「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と応用」 電子情報通信学会・光ファイバ応用技術研究会(OFT),2022年10月13~14日,かながわ県民センター(神奈川)
- 北島将太朗,「超短パルスレーザー研究に魅せられて」,次世代FL研究会,2022年11月18日,名古屋大学
- 西澤典彦,「高次機能超短パルス光源の開発と応用」,最先端ナノライフシステム研究,p.181 (2022)(丸善プラネット)
- 西澤典彦,「~リーダーズインタビュー~,光技術・研究でつながるネットワークを大切に」,オプトロニクス,no.491, p.141 (2022)
- 西澤 典彦,「次世代高速光通信に対応する光回路実装,デバイスの開発」, ~超短パルスファイバーレーザー光源の開発と光通信波長帯における極短パルス生成~ pp.196-202 (技術情報協会,2022.11)
- 深澤啓介,レーザー学会学術講演会第42回年次大会,優秀論文発表賞, 2022/1
- Kensuke Yamanaka, SI-Thru2022, Best poster paper award, 2022/4
- Jingzhe Zhang, ALPS2022, Best student poster paper award, 2022/4
- 北島将太朗,レーザー学会次世代FL研究会,優秀口頭発表賞, 2022/11
- 深澤啓介,レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,優秀発表賞, 2022/12
- 坂田直規,電気系M1中間発表会,優秀発表賞,2022/12
- Keisuke Fukazawa, Ying Zhou, Shotaro Kitajima, Takeshi Saito, Yoichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Spectral Control of Dispersion Managed, Highly-Efficient Tm-Ho co-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser at 2 um Using SWNT," ALPS2022 (The 11th Advanced Laasers and Photon Sources), (Apr, 18-21, 2022, Yokohama) , ALPS3-02
- Jingzhe Zhang, Keisuke Fukazawa, Ying Zhou, Shotaro Kitajima, Takeshi Saito, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Tm-Ho Co-doped Fiber Pulse Laser for Application in Mid-infrared Pulse Generation," ALPS2022 (The 11th Advanced Laasers and Photon Sources), (Apr, 18-21, 2022, Yokohama) , ALPSp-22
- Ying Chen, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Speckle reduction by spectral compounding in 1700 nm SD-OCT using tunable quasi-supercontinuum source," SI-Thru2022 (Sensing and Imaging through Scattering and Fluctuating Field in Biology), (Apr, 18-21, 2022, Yokohama), SI-Thru6-06
- Kensuke Yamanaka, Masahito Yamanaka, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Mechanical Speckle Noise Reduction in SD-OCT at 1.7 um Wavelength," SI-Thru2022 (Sensing and Imaging through Scattering and Fluctuating Field in Biology), (Apr, 18-21, 2022, Yokohama), SI-Thrup-02
- Ying Chen, Masahito Yamanaka, Shotaro Kitajima, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Speckle Reduction by Frequency Compounding in 1.7 μm Optical Coherence Tomography Using Tunable Quasi-Supercontinuum Laser Source," CLEO2022, JW3B.152, May 15-20, 2022, San Jose, USA
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Shotaro Kitajima, Youichi Sakakibara, "Spectral Peaking in Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers With Molecular Gas Cell," CLEO2022, SF2H.6, May 15-20, 2022, San Jose, USA
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Shotaro Kitajima, Youichi Sakakibara, "Characteristics of Spectral Peaking in Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers with Molecular Gas Cell," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan+ hybrid, 31 Jul - 5 Aug, 2022, CTuA1B-03
- Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Investigation on power scalability of Yb:KREW thin-disk lasers by anisotropic thermo-mechanical analysis," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan+ hybrid, 31 Jul - 5 Aug, 2022, P-CTu4-01
- Sakiko Kobata, Shotaro Kitajima, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Controllable Spectral Peak Generation with Ultrashort Pulses using LCOS-SLM Spectral Filter," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2022), Sapporo Convention Center, Sapporo, Japan+ hybrid, 31 Jul - 5 Aug, 2022, CFA1I-04
- レーザー学会第42回年次大会,一般講演2件(深澤,加藤),招待講演1件(山中(真))
- 第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演4件(古畑,山中,Chen, 西澤)
- 第83回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,一般講演4件(古畑,水津,北島,西澤)
- OPJ2022,一般講演2件(Chen,山中)
- 次世代FL専門委員会(仙台,2022年9月),一般講演2件 (古畑,臼井)
- 次世代FL研究会(名古屋大学,2022年11月),一般講演6件 (臼井,水津,張,Chen,古畑,西澤)
- 第7回フォトニクスワークショップ(沖縄,2022年11月),一般講演3件 (古畑,水津,張)
- レーザー学会中部若手研究発表会,一般講演2件 (深澤,Jung)
- K. Watanabe, Y. Zhou, Y. Sakakibara, T. Saito, and N. Nishizawa "Dispersion-managed, high-power, Tm-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using single-wall-carbon-nanotube polyimide film" OSA Continuum, vol.4, no.1, pp.137-148 (2021)
- N. Nishizawa and M. Yamanaka "Characteristics of spectral peaking in optical fibers" Optics Express, vol.29, no.26, pp.42876-42886 (2021)
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Masahito Yamanaka," Deep tissue imaging by optical coherence tomography / microscopy at Optical Window III"", BISC2021(OPTICS&PHOTONICS International Congress 2021),(Apr,19-22,2021, Onlinel-virtual conference)BISC-5-01"
- Norihiko Nishizawa, " Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber lasers using nonlinear fiber effects and their applications," AFL2021(Advanced Fiber Laser Conference 2021) (Dec.1-3, Chengdu, China (Hybrid))(Keynote talk)
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバレーザーの基礎」, 光とレーザーの科学技術フェア2021,併設セミナー(レーザーセミナー),LA-1-2, 2021年11月19日,東京都産業技術貿易センター浜松町館
- Norihiko Nishizawa, "Development and Applications of Highly Functional Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers," Frontier of Nonlinear Optics and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy -Celebrating the 60th anniversary of nonlinear optics-, Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan 2021, AI-04 (Oct. 13, 2021)
- 山中真仁, 西澤典彦 "第3の生体の窓を用いた光コヒーレンス顕微鏡による生体深部イメージング", 光学, vol.50, pp.153-159, no.4 (2021)
- 西澤典彦,"スーパーコンティニューム光を用いたOCTの波長依存性と長波長帯を用いた生体深部イメージング," オプトロニクス,no.8, 80 (2021)
- IEEE名古屋支部優秀学生賞,原田賢太郎
- Daichi Sonoyama, OSJ/SPIE Student Award, OPJ2021 (Oct.29, 2021)
- 園山大地,優秀ポスター発表賞,レーザー学会次世代ファイバレーザー技術研究会 (2021年11月12日)
- Kohei Kato, Hayato Suga, Masahito Yamanaka, Norihiko Nishizawa "Development and stability evaluation of all polarization-maintaining optical frequency comb based on Figure9 type fiber laser", ALPS2021(The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources),(Apr,19-22,2021, Onlinel-virtual conference)ALPS-Poster-20
- Junya Yamamoto, Masahito Yamanaka, Ying Zhou, Takeshi Saitoh, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa," Development of Supercontinuum Laser Source at 2 μm Wavelength Using Tm-Ho co-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser and OCT Imaging", ALPS2021(The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources),(Apr,19-22,2021, Onlinel-virtual conference)ALPS-3-03
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Masahito Yamanaka,"Characteristics of Spectral Peaking in Coherent Supercontinuum Generation", CLEO2021(May,09 – 14,2021,A Virtual Conference)Sth5A.4
- J. Yamamoto, M. Yamanaka, Y. Zhou, T. Saitoh, Y. Sakakibara, N. Nishizawa, "Development of Supercontinuum Laser Source for 2 μm OCT with Tm-Ho co-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser Using Single Wall Carbon Nanotube", CLEO2021(May,09 – 14,2021,A Virtual Conference)STh5A.5
- レーザー学会第41回年次大会,一般講演1件 (竹中)
- 第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演4件(深澤,加藤,園山,西澤)
- 第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,一般講演3件 (Chen, 河内,深澤)
- レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,(名古屋大学,2021年12月)一般講演2件(Chen, 園山)
- レーザー学会次世代ファイバレーザー技術研究会(次世代FL研究会),(名古屋大学,2021年11月)一般講演4件(山本,河内,加藤,園山)
- 応用物理学会フォトニクスワークショップ,(オンライン,2021年11月),一般講演2件(加藤,深澤)
- OPJ2021 (Optics & Photonics Japan 2021), (東京,ハイブリッド,2021年10月),一般講演2件(園山,山本)
- Masahito Yamanaka, Naoki Hayakawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Signal-to-background ratio and lateral resolution in deep tissue imaging by optical coherence microscopy in the 1700 nm spectral band," Sci. Rep. 9, 16041 (2019).
- N. Nishizawa and M. Yamanaka "Periodical spectral peaking on optical pulses", Optica 7, 1089-1092(2020)
- N. Nishizawa, M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, M. Matsushima, K. Mori, and T. Kawabe "Wavelength dependence of ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum," Proc. SPIE 11234,1123406 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2555913
- N. Nishizawa and M. Yamanaka "Wavelength dependence of ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum for deep imaging", Proc. SPIE 11521, 1152107 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2573216
- R.Terabayashi, K.Saito, V.Sonnenschein, Y.Okuyama, T.Iguchi, M.Yamanaka, N.Nishizawa, K.Yoshida, S.Ninomiya, H.Tomita, "Mid-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy using DFB quantum cascade laser with optical feedback for radiocarbon detection," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, 9 (2020)
- N. Nishizawa and M. Yamanaka, "Wavelength dependence of ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum for deep imaging," The 6th Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference (BISC2020) (Apr. 20-24,2020, Yokohama, Japan), BISC2-02
- N. Nishizawa, M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, M. Matsushima, K. Mori, and T. Kawabe, "Wavelength dependence of ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum," SPIE Photonics West BiOS2020 (February 1-6, 2020, San Francisco, USA) 11234-5
- 西澤典彦,山中真仁 「超短パルスファイバレーザーの開発と光周波数コム・バイオイメージングへの展開」 【応用物理学会フォトニクス分科会ジョイントシンポジウム】ファイバレーザー ~材料から応用まで~ レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会(2020年1月20日~22日,仙台国際センター,仙台)
- 西澤典彦,「広帯域・超短パルスファイバーレーザーが拓く未来」 InterOpto 2020, フォトニクス分科会セミナー(2020年1月31日,東京ビックサイト,東京)
- 西澤典彦,「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と応用」,第27回レーザー夏の学校(2020年9月8~11日,オンライン開催)
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバーレーザーの進展」,第3回光材料・応用技術研究会 (2020年11月6日,オンライン開催)
- 西澤典彦,金磊,Volker Sonnenschein, 寺林稜平,富田英夫,山中真仁,吉田賢二,二宮真一,井口哲夫 "生体応用に向けた広帯域中赤外コム," レーザー研究, Vol.48, No.6, pp.286-290 (2020)
- 西澤典彦,"ファイバレーザーコムの進展," 電子情報通信学会誌,vol.103, no.11, pp.1089-1096 (2020)
- 西澤典彦,榊原陽一,"カーボンナノチューブを用いた超広帯域超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と応用," ケミカルエンジニアリング,Vol.65, No.8, pp.506-511 (2020)
- 原田賢太郎、The 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020), The Best Student Oral Paper Award
- 加藤 耕平,応用物理学会フォトニクスワークショップ,優秀ポスター発表賞
- 原田 賢太郎,レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,優秀発表賞
- N. Nishizawa, Y. Kanehara, M. Yamanaka, R. Terabayashi, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, and Y. Sakakibara,"1.6-1.7 um Wavelength Tunable, All-Polarization Maintaining, Dual-Comb Fiber Laser with Single Wall Carbon Nanotube for Dual Comb Spectroscopy," CLEO2020 (May. 11-15,2020, all-virtual, web conference),SW4R.52
- K. Harada, M. Yamanaka, and N. Nishizawa,"Multimodal microscopy using the combination of optical coherence microscopy and multiphoton-excited fluorescence imaging in a third optical tissue window," The 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020) (Apr. 20-24,2020, Yokohama, Japan), ALPSp-30 The Best Student Oral Paper Award
- 第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演2件(包原、原田)
- 第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,一般講演4件(包原,原田,山本,西澤)
- Optica and Photonics Japan 2020,一般講演3件(原田,河内,西澤)
- レーザー学会第548回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」,一般講演6件(包原,西澤,竹中,原田,加藤,山本)
- レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,一般講演2件(加藤,原田)
- 応用物理学会フォトニクスワークショップ,一般講演2件(加藤,山本)
- Masahito Yamanaka, Naoki Hayakawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Signal-to-background ratio and lateral resolution in deep tissue imaging by optical coherence microscopy in the 1700 nm spectral band," Sci. Rep. 9, 16041 (2019).
- Masahito Yamanaka, Naoki Hayakawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, "High-spatial-resolution deep tissue imaging with spectral-domain optical coherence microscopy in the 1700 nm spectral band," J. Biomed. Opt. 24(7), 070502 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.7.070502.
- Masahito Yamanaka, Hirohiko Niioka, Taichi Furukawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Excitation of Erbium-doped nanoparticles in 1550 nm wavelength region for deep tissue imaging with reduced degradation of spatial resolution," J. Biomed. Opt. 24(7), 070501 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.7.070501.
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Hayato Suga, and Masahito Yamanaka, "Investigation of dispersion-managed, polarization-maintaining Er-doped figure-nine ultrashort-pulse fiber laser," Opt. Express 27, Issue 14, 19218-19232 (2019)
- Shuto Saito, Masahito Yamanaka, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "All-polarization-maintaining Er-doped dual comb fiber laser using single wall carbon nanotubes," Opt. Express, Vol. 27, Issue 13, pp. 17868-17875 (2019)
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Hiroyuki Kawagoe, Masahito Yamanaka, Miyoko Matsushima, Kensaku Mori, and Tsutomu Kawabe, "Wavelength Dependence of Ultrahigh-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography Using Supercontinuum for Biomedical Imaging," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.25, 7101115 (2019) (Invited paper)
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバーレーザー事はじめ」, OPIE‘19レーザー特別セミナー, 2019年4月22-26日,パシフィコ横浜, 神奈川
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバレーザーを用いた短パルス光コムの発生と応用」日本光学会,光波シンセシス研究会「光の絶対位相制御と分光計測・物質操作への応用」2019年2月12日,東京大学生産技術研究所,東京
- 西澤典彦,「ファイバレーザーを用いた近赤~中赤外光周波数コム光源の開発」シンポジウム「光周波数コムデバイスの多様化」,レーザー学会学術講演会 第39回年次大会,S813aIX02,2019年1月12~14日,東海大学,東京
- 山中真仁、新岡宏彦、古川太一、西澤典彦、"エルビウム添加ナノ粒子の波長1550 nm帯励起によるアップコンバージョン発光を用いた深部イメージング",分光研究,vol.68, No.5, pp.175-177 (2019)
- 西澤典彦,"超広帯域スーパーコンティニューム光源の開発",レーザー研究,vol.47, No.10, pp.568-572 (2019)
- 西澤典彦,金磊,V. Sonnenschein, 寺林稜平,山中真仁,富田英夫,井口哲夫, 吉田賢二,佐藤淳史,野沢耕平,二宮真一, "ファイバレーザーを用いた中赤外広帯域光周波数コムの生成と精密分光への応用", 光アライアンス,Vol.30, No.11, pp.36-39 (2019)
- 西澤典彦, "30周年に近づく光コヒーレンストモグラフィー(OCT)," 光学,vol.48, no.4, p.132 (2019)
- 西澤典彦, 「ファイバレーザーを用いた近赤外~中赤外広帯域光周波数コムの開発」, 光技術コンタクト vol.57, no.3, p.10 2019年3月
- 原田賢太郎、電気系M1中間発表会、優秀発表賞
- 菅颯人、レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会、優秀発表賞
- 渡邊建太、レーザー学会第526回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」、講演奨励賞
- 山中真仁、レーザー学会第526回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」、優秀口頭発表賞
- Ying Chen, Masahito Yamanaka and Norihiko Nishizawa, "1700-nm optical coherence microscopy with the reduced speckle noises for high-resolution deep tissue imaging," OSK-OSA-OSJ Joint Symposia in Optics and Photonics Congress 2019 (July 14-17,2019, Busan, Korea), MP-XI-4
- Hayato Suga, Masahito Yamanaka, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Dispersion Management of Polarization Maintaining Er-doped Figure 9 Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser," CLEO2019 (May 6-10,2019, San Jose, USA), STu3L.4
- Shuto Saito, Masahito Yamanaka, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Norihiko Nishizawa "All-Polarization Maintaining, Bi-directional, Er-doped, Dual-comb Fiber Laser with Single Wall Carbon Nanotube," CLEO2019 (May 6-10,2019, San Jose, USA) ,JW2A.92
- Kenta Watanabe, Y. Zhou, Takeshi Saito, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Dispersion Managed High Power Tm-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser at 1.9 um Using Single Wall Carbon Nano-tube Polyimide Film," CLEO2019 (May 6-10,2019, San Jose, USA) W2A.98
- Hayato Suga, Mashahito Yamanaka, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Dispersion management and analysis of all PM Er-doped passively mode-locked fiber laser with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror," The 8th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2019(ALPS2019) , 22-26 Apr,2019 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS-P2-04
- Kenta Watanabe, Ying Zhou, Takeshi Saito, Youichi Sakakibara, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Dispersion-managed Tm-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using SWNT at 2 μm wavelength region," The 8th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2019(ALPS2019) , 22-26 Apr,2019 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS-P2-03
- Yoshiki Akino, Masahito Yamanaka, Niioka Hirohiko, Taichi Furukawa, Norihiko Nishizawa, "Fluorescence imaging with Y2O3:Yb nanoparticles in the second near-infrared window," The 8th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2019(ALPS2019) , 22-26 Apr,2019 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS-3-03
- Masahito Yamanaka, Yoshiki Akino, Hirohiko Niioka, Taichi Furukawa, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Near-infrared fluorescence imaging by using high nonlinear fluorescence responses of Er3+-doped nanoparticles under the excitation at 1520-1600 nm wavelength region," SPIE Photonics WEST BiOS 2019, 2-7 Feb, 2019, (San Francisco, USA), Paper 10893-27
- Yoshiki Akino, Masahito Yamanaka, Hirohiko Niioka, Taichi Furukawa, and Norihiko Nishizawa, "Near-infrared fluorescence imaging at 1000-nm wavelength region with Yb doped nanoparticles," SPIE Photonics WEST BiOS 2019, 2-7 Feb, 2019, (San Francisco, USA), Paper 10893-36
- Optics and Photonics Japan 2019,一般講演2件(秋野,包原)
- レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会,一般講演2件(菅,包原)
- レーザー学会第526回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」,一般講演7件(渡邊,秋野,菅,包原,竹中,原田, 山中)
- 第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,一般講演4件(斎藤,菅, 渡邊, 西澤)
- 第44回レーザー顕微鏡研究会&シンポジウム,一般講演2件(秋野, 山中)
- 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,一般講演4件(斎藤,菅,山中, 渡邊)
- レーザー学会学術講演会 第39回年次大会,一般講演2件(須田,望月)
- 国際光デーシンポジウム2019,一般講演1件(山中)
- 文部科学省 科学研究費補助金 新学術領域研究Resonance Bio International Symposium,一般講演1件(西澤)
- Volker Sonnenschein, Ryohei Terabayashi, Hideki Tomita, Shusuke Kato, Noriyoshi Hayashi, Shin Takeda, Lei Jin, Masahito Yamanaka, Norihiko Nishizawa, Atsushi Sato, Kenji Yoshida, and Tetsuo Iguchi, "A cavity ring-down spectrometer for study of biomedical radiocarbon-labeled samples," Journal of Applied Physics, vol.124, 033101 (2018)
- 寺林稜平,Volker Sonnenschein,富田英生,佐藤淳史,林 紀善, 加藤修介,金磊,山中真仁,西澤典彦,野沢耕平,橋爪研太,井口哲夫, 高感度レーザー分光に基づく生体試料中放射性炭素同位体分析システムの開発, RADIOISOTOPES, 67, 85–91 (2018)
- N.Nishizawa, T. Niinomi, Y. Nomura, L. Jin, and Y. Ozeki, Octave Spanning Coherent Supercontinuum Comb Generation Based on Er-doped Fiber Lasers and Their Characterization, IEEE J. Select. Top. Quant. Electron. 24(3) (2018) (Invited paer)
- 西澤典彦、川越寛之、山中真仁、”高分解能OCTのための超広帯域ファイバーレーザー光源、” フォトニクスニュース,vol.4, no.2, pp.64-68 (2018)
- 西澤典彦,山中真仁、"マイクロ解剖学のための微細解剖構造イメージング〜光コヒーレンストモグラフィー〜"、Medical Imaging Technology (MIT) vol.36, no.3, pp.120-126 (2018)
- 西澤典彦,"多元計算解剖学の基礎と臨床への応用"、第3章-11「光コヒーレンストモグラフィー・OCT」 橋爪 誠 編,誠文堂新光社 (2018)
- 西澤典彦,金磊, "ファイバレーザーを用いた近赤~中赤外周波数コム光源の開発", レーザー研究,vol.46, no.2, pp.67-72 (2018)
- 菅颯人、レーザー学会第525回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」、優秀口頭発表賞
- 渡邊建太、レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会、優秀発表賞
- 寺林稜平、Volker Sonnenschein、富田英生、林紀善、加藤修介、金磊、山中真仁、西澤典彦、井口哲夫、他3名、日本アイソトープ協会第22回Radioisotopes誌 論文奨励賞
- Norihiko Nishizawa、Jin Lei、Masahito Yamanaka "Wideband Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Lasers and Their Applications," OSA-JSPS Joint symposium, Nagoya, 9/18-21,2018 20a-211B-1
- 西澤 典彦、太田 望、山中 真仁 "ファイバレーザーベース広帯域・波長可変光周波数コムの開発" レーザー学会第525回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」 名古屋大学 11/16 (2018)
- 西澤 典彦 "CNTを用いた超短パルスファイバーレーザーコムの開発とバイオイメージングへの展開" 第22回VBLシンポジウム (最先端理工学特論)「光とナノ:ナノ材料と光の相互作用の理解と利用」 名古屋大学 11/21-22 (2018)
- 西澤 典彦 "Wideband, wavelength tunable optical frequency comb generation at NIR and MIR region based on fiber lasers" KEIO Symposium on Microresonator Frequency Comb 應義塾大学日吉キャンパス 12/4-6 (2018)
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Jin Lei,Masahito Yamanaka, Wideband ultrashort pulse fiber lasers and their sensing applications, IoT-NAP2018, 23-27 Apr (201) (Yokohama,Japan), IoT7-2
- 西澤 典彦, ファイバーレーザー事はじめ, OPIE‘18 レーザー特別セミナー, 23-27,Apr (2018) (Yokohama,Japan)
- Nozomu Ohta, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Norihiko Nishizawa "Generation and Characterization of Wavelength Tunable Narrow Linewidth Comb in Two Schemes" Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) 2018, Boston, USA, 4-8 Nov, 2018 ATu5A.2
- Shuto Saito, Lei Jin, Yoichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Bidirectional, Er-doped, Dual-comb Fiber Laser with Carbon Nanotube Polyimide Film, CLEO:2018, 13-18, May 2018 (San Jose, USA), JTh2A.121.
- Nozomu Ohta, Lei Jin, Yoichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Wavelength Tunable Narrow Linewidth Comb Using Soliton Self-frequency Shift and Spectral Compression Technique, CLEO:2018, 13-18,May 2018 (San Jose, USA), STu4K.5.
- Lei Jin, Volke rSonnenschein, Ryohei Terabayashi, Noriyoshi Hayashi, Shusuke Kato, Masahito Yamanaka, Hideki Tomita, Tetsuo Iguchi, Atsushi Sato, Kohei Nozawa, Kenji Yoshida, Norihiko Nishizawa, Yb-doped Fiber Laser Based Coherent Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb at λ = 4.5 μm for CRDS application, CLEO:2018, 13-18,May 2018 (San Jose, USA), STh4K.4.
- Lei Jin,V. Sonnenschein, R. Terabayashi,N. Hayashi, S. Sato, M. Yamanaka,H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, Sato, K. Nozawa,K. Yoshida, N. Nishizawa, Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Working at 4500 nm Based on Yb-doped Fiber Laser for CRDS Application, The 7th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2018(ALPS2018) , 23-27 Apr,2018 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS7-I2-2
- Shuto Saito,Lei Jin, Yoichi Sakakibara,Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura,Norihiko Nishizawa, Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb Working at 4500 nm Based on Yb-doped Fiber Laser for CRDS Application, The 7th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2018(ALPS2018) , 23-27 Apr,2018 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS5-I1-2
- Naoki Hayakawa, Masahito Yamanaka,Hiroyuki Kawagoe, Shuichi Makita,Yoshiaki Yasuno, Norihiko Nishizawa, 3D high-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence microscopy at 1700 nm spectral band for deep tissue imaging, The 7th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2018(ALPS2018) , 23-27 Apr,2018 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS2-H-2
- Kento Mochizuki, T. Masahumi,L. Jin,M. Yamanaka,V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita,T. Iguchi, A. Sato, K. Hashizume, K. Nozawa,N. Nishizawa, Mid-infrared Frequency Comb Based on Er-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser System and Tm-doped Fiber Amplifiern, The 7th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources 2018(ALPS2018) , 23-27 Apr,2018 (Yokohama,Japan), ALPS5-I1-5
- Masahito Yamanaka, Naoki Hayakawa, Hiroyuki Kawagoe, Shuichi Makita, Yoshiaki Yasuno, Norihiko Nishizawa, High resolution spectral domain optical coherence microscopy, SPIE Photonics WEST BiOS2018, 27. Jan - 1. Feb (San Francisco, USA)
- レーザー学会第525回研究会「ファイバーレーザー技術」、一般講演(口頭発表1件,ポスター6件)、(愛知、2018年11月)
- レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会、一般講演2件(渡邊,秋野)、(浜松、2018年11月)
- Optics & Photonics Japan 2018, 一般講演2件(清水,齋藤)、(東京、2018年10月)
- FL委員会,一般講演3件(齋藤,菅,渡邉), (北海道支笏湖,2018年7月)
- 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 一般講演3件(西澤、金磊、清水)、(東京、2018年3月17日−20日)
- 第43回レーザー顕微鏡研究会、ポスター発表1件(早川)(大阪、2018年1月19日)
- L. Jin, V. Sonnenschein, M. Yamanaka, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi,
A. Sato, K. Nozawa, K. Yoshida, S. Ninomiya, and N. Nishizawa, 3.1–5.2 µm Coherent MIR Frequency Comb Based on Yb-doped Fiber Laser, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24, 1-7 (2017) - H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, N. Nishizawa, "Axial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in deep-tissue imaging with 1.7-µm high-resolution optical coherence tomography with an ultrabroadband laser source," J. Biomed. Opt. 22(8), 085002 (2017)
- L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, A. Sato, T. Oh-hara, and N. Nishizawa, Highly coherent tunable mid-infrared frequency comb pumped by supercontinuum at 1 um Applied Physics Express, vol.10 012503 (2017)
- R. Terabayashi, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, N. Hayashi, S. Kato, L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, N. Nishizawa, A. Sato, K. Nozawa, K. Hashizume, T. Oh-hara, & T. Iguchi, Optical feedback in dfb quantum cascade laser for mid-infrared cavity ring-down spectroscopy, Hyepr. Inter. 238, 10 (2017)
- 西澤典彦,"ファイバーレーザー応用技術の基礎",光アライアンス,vol.28, no.8, p.38 (2017)
- 西澤典彦,特集:実用性に磨きがかかるファイバーレーザー,巻頭言,"ファイバーレーザーの展開",
光学,vol.46, no.4, p.120 (2017)
- 齋藤 秀人、平成29年度レーザー学会ファイバレーザー技術(FL)研究会 優秀口頭発表賞
- 相木 喬智、平成29年度レーザー学会ファイバレーザー技術(FL)研究会 優秀ポスター発表賞
- 山中真仁、第42回 (2017年春季)応用物理学会講演奨励賞受賞
- 金磊、
12月受賞,平成28年度レーザー学会ファイバーレーザー技術研究会・委員会 - 佐藤友哉、優秀ポスター発表賞「2100nm帯スーパーコンティニューム光を用いた長波長帯光コヒーレンストモグラフィ」12月受賞,平成28年度レーザー学会ファイバーレーザー技術研究会・委員会
- 西澤 典彦、川越 寛之、山中 真仁、光干渉計を用いた高分解能内部計測技術 ~光コヒーレンストモグラフィー~、第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(福岡、2017年9月5日−8日)、発表番号5p-A402-2
- 山中 真仁、佐藤 大暉、古川 太一、新岡 宏彦、三宅 淳、西澤 典彦、[講演奨励賞受賞記念講演] Er添加ナノ粒子の非線形応答を用いた蛍光イメージング、第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(福岡、2017年9月5日−8日)、発表番号6p-A402-1
- N. Nishizawa, J. Lei, and M. Yamanaka, "Wideband ultrashort pulse fiber lasers and their applications,"
ALT'17, ThD-II-1, September 11-15, 2017, Busan, Korea - M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, T. Teranishi, & N. Nishizawa, "Optical coherence tomography and microscopy in optical windowⅢ (1600-1870 nm) for high-resolution deep-tissue imaging," PCG 2017, 2-2s-2, (Sands Expo and Convention Center, Singapore, July 31-Aug 4, 2017)
- L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, A. Sato, A. Ideno, T. Oh-hara, and N. Nishizawa
4.4-5.2 um wavelength tunable, coherent MIR frequency comb generation based on Yb-doped fiber laser,
CLEO2017, STu1K.4, (San Jose, USA, May 14-19, 2017) - N. Nishizawa, H. Kawagoe, and M. Yamanaka
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum and their wavelength dependence
CLEO2017, AF2A.2, (San Jose, USA, May 14-19, 2017) - N. Nishizawa, H. Kawagoe, and M. Yamanaka, " Ultrahigh resolution OCT with broadband fiber lasers," The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPS9-4)
- 西澤典彦,金磊,山中真仁,レーザー学会第37回年次大会
シンポジウム 「フェムト秒モード同期ファイバレーザーの進展」,1月,徳島大学,徳島
- Toshiki Niinomi, Yoshitaka Nomura, Lei Jin, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Norihiko Nishizawa, Characterization of Supercontinuum Comb Generation Based on Er-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) (Aichi, 1-5 Oct, 2017), JM5A.36
- Motohiro Togashi, Lei Jin, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Norihiko Nishizawa, Stable operation of all polarization maintaining optical frequency comb based on Er-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) (Aichi, 1-5 Oct, 2017), JTu2A.47
- Lei Jin, Volker Sonnenschein, Masahito Yamanaka, Hideki Tomita, Tetsuo Iguchi, Atsushi Sato, Akira Ideno, Toshinari Oh-hara, Norihiko Nishizawa, Coherent Mid-Infrared Optical Frequency Comb Working at 4.52 μm Based on Yb-doped Fiber Laser, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) (Aichi, 1-5 Oct, 2017), AW1A.2
- Tomoya Sato, Masahito Yamanaka, Hiroyuki Kawagoe, Norihiko Nishizawa, Fiber laser based supercontinuum generation in 2.1 µm wavelength for optical coherence tomography, Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) (Aichi, 1-5 Oct, 2017), JTh2A.40
- M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, N. Nishizawa, High-resolution deep-tissue imaging by optical coherence microscopy in 1700-nm spectral window, The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (Tokyo, Japan, 21-25. Aug. 2017), W1C-03
- L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, A. Sato, A. Ideno, T. Oh-hara, N. Nishizawa, High Repetition Rate Mid-Infrared Frequency Comb based on Yb-doped Fiber Laser System,The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (Tokyo, Japan, 21-25. Aug. 2017),F1G-03
- M. Togashi, T. Nagaike, L. Jin, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, Y. Ozeki, and N. Nishizawa
All polarization maintaining optical frequency comb based on Er-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube
CLEO2017, JW2A.60, (San Jose, USA, May 14-19, 2017)
- L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, , V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, A. Sato, A. Ideno, T. Oh-hara, and N. Nishizawa, "Coherent Mid-infrared Optical Frequency Comb Generation Based on an Yb-doped Fiber Laser System," The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPS1-3)
- T. Niinomi, Y. Nomura, L. Jin, Y. Ozeki, and N. Nishizawa, "Development and characterization of 1.0 - 2.1 um octave-spanning, SC comb based on Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser," The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPS1-5)
- H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, and N. Nishizawa, "1.7-μm full-range, ultrahigh-resolution, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with broadband
supercontinuum source,"The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPSp14-35) - T. Sato, M. Yamanaka, and N. Nishizawa, "Optical coherence tomography in 2100-nm spectral window with a fiber laser based supercontinuum laser source," The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPSp14-36)
- D. Sato, M. Yamanaka, T. Furukawa, H. Niioka, J. Miyake, and N. Nishizawa, "Fluorescence imaging using upconversion fluorescence emission in 480-nm wavelength region from Y2O3 :Tm,Yb
nanoparticle,"The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPSp14-40) - H. Togashi, T. Nagaike, L. Jin, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, Y. Ozeki, and N. Nishizawa, "All polarization maintaining optical frequency comb based on Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser with carbon
nanotube polyimide film," The 6th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17) 18-21, Apr., 2017, Yokohama, Japan (ALPSp14-43)
- 一般講演7件(齋藤 秀人、金 磊、新家 俊輝、太田 望、望月 健斗、相木 喬智、佐藤 大暉)、レーザー学会第511回研究会「ファイバレーザー技術」(愛知、2017年11月10日)
- 一般講演3件(早川 直紀、相木 喬智、寺林 稜平)、Optics & Photonics Japan 2017(東京、2017年10月20日−11月2日
- 一般講演9件(早川 直紀、新家 俊輝、太田 望、佐藤 大暉、齋藤 秀人、望月 健斗、林 紀善、大橋 雅也、加藤 修介)、第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(福岡、2017年9月5日−8日)
- 一般講演1件(南部真志) レーザー学会第37回年次大会, 1月,徳島大学,徳島
- M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, N. Nishizawa, High-power supercontinuum generation by high-repetition-rate ultrashort-pulse fiber laser for ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography in 1600 nm spectral band
Applied Physics Express, 9, 022701 (2016) - N. Nishizawa, Wideband ultrafast fiber laser sources for OCT and metrology
Journal of Physics B
(Topical Review, Invited Paper) vol.49, 182003 (2016) - T. Asami, H. Terasaki, Y. Ito, T. Sugita, H. Kaneko, J. Nishiyama, H. Namiki, M. Kobayashi, and N. Nishizawa, Development of fiber-optic optical coherence tomographic probe for intraocular use
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS)vol.57, no.9, OCT568 (2016) - M. Yamanaka, T. Teranishi, H. Kawagoe, and N. Nishizawa, Optical coherence microscopy in 1700 nm spectral band for high-resolution label-free deep-tissue imaging
Scientific Report vol.6, 31715 (2016) - N.Nishizawa, Y.Andou, E.Omoda, H.Kataura, and Y.Sakakibara, Characteristics and improvement of wideband wavelength-tuanble narrow-linewidth source by spectral compression in quasi-dispersion increasing comb-profile fiber
Optics Expressvol.24, 23403 (2016) - H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, S. Makita, Y. Yasuno, and N. Nishizawa, Full-range ultrahigh-resolution spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in 1.7 um wavelength region for deep-penetration and high-resolution imaging of turbid tissue
Applied Physics Express, vol.9, 127002 (2016) - M. Tsuzuki, L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V. Sonnenchein, H. Tomita, A. Sato, T. Ohara, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, T. Iguchi, and N. Nishizawa, Mid-infrared optical frequency comb based on difference frequency generation using high repetition rate Er-doped fiber laser with single wall carbon nanotube film
Photonics Research, vol.4, 313 (2016)
- 山中真仁、谷知己、藤田克昌、永井健治、"光学顕微鏡の組み立て" in 新・生細胞蛍光イメージング
原口徳子、木村宏、平岡泰 編 共立出版(2015) - 西澤典彦、特集:赤外線光源 -近赤外光源からテラヘルツまで-ファイバレーザー
日本赤外線学会誌 vol.25, no.2, pp.2-14 (2016)
- 竹内繁樹、岡野真之、栗村直、西澤典彦、量子もつれ光を利用 超高分解能光断層撮影技術を開発
- Hiroyuki Kawagoe Masahito Yamanaka Norihiko Nishizawa,Wavelength dependence of penetration depth of OCT imaging for biological tissue in 0.8-1.9 um wavelength region
Photonics West, BIOS 2016 February 2016, San Francisco, USA - N.Nishizawa, H.Kawagoe, and M.Yamanaka,Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography using Ultra-Broadband Fiber Laser Source and Application for Biomedical Imaging)
IS Plasma 2016,March 6-10, 2016, Nagoya, Japan - Y.Ando, H.Kawagoe, Y.Hattori, M.Yamanaka,K.Takashima, Y.Hasegawa, M.Matsushima, K.Mori, T.Kawabe, N.Nishizawa,Observation of high-resolution 3D lung structure based on white-light interferometry
IS Plasma 2016,March 6-10, 2016, Nagoya, Japan - T.Teranishi, M.Yamanaka, H.Kawagoe, N.Nishizaw,
Optical coherence microscopy using supercontinuum source at 1.7μm
IS Plasma 2016, March 6-10, 2016, Nagoya, Japan - M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, N. Nishizawa,
High-power supercontinuum generation using 182-MHz soliton-similariton mode-locked fiber laser for ultrahighresolution optical coherence tomography in 1600 nm spectral band
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - L. Jin, M. Yamanaka,V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita,T. Iguchi, A. Sato, A. Omori, A. Ideno, T. Oh-hara,N. Nishizawa,Tunable mid-infrared optical frequency comb based on supercontinuum at 1μm wavelength range
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - L. Jin, K. Nonobe, N. Nishizawa,
Femtosecond Er-Doped Fiber Laser Mode-Locked by Hybrid Scheme of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - T. Niinomi, Y. Nomura, L. Jin, Y. Ozeki, and N.Nishizawa,Coherent, broadband supercontinuum Optical Frequency Comb Based on Er-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - M. Tsuzuki, Y. Nomura, L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V.Sonnenchein, H. Tomita,T. Iguchi, A. Sato,A.Omori, A. Ideno, T. Ohara ,Y. Sakakibara, E.Omoda, H. Kataura, Y. Sakakibara, N.Nishizawa,
Mid-infrared comb generation at 3 μm through DFG using high repetition rate Er-doped fiber laser with SWNT
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - T. Sato, H. Kawagoe,M. Yamanaka, N. Nishizawa,
High power supercontinuum generation with Gaussian-like spectral shape in 2100 nm spectral band for optical coherence tomography
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - T. Teranishi, M. Yamanaka, H. Kawagoe, N. Nishizawa,
Optical coherence microscopy in 1700 nm spectralband for deep and 3D high-resolution imaging of biological samples
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - M. Nanbu, Y. Ando, H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, M. Matsushima,K. Mori, T. Kawabe, H. Shoji, N. Nishizawa,
Three dimensional imaging of diseased rat lung and liver using ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - M. Togashi, G. Park, T. Nagaike,L. Jin, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa,
All polarization-maintaining, fiber laser-based optical frequency comb using single wall carbon nanotube
The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - M.Yamanaka, T.Teranishi, H.Kawagoe, and N.Nishizawa,
High-resolution optical coherence microscopy using high-power supercontinuum source in 1700 nm spectral band
Conference on Laser and Electro-optics(CLEO)2016, 5-10, June, 2016, San Jose, USA, AM4J.6 - H.Kawagoe, M.Yamanaka, S.Makita, Y.Yasuno, and N.Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography in 1.7 um wavelength region
Conference on Laser and Electro-optics(CLEO)2016, 5-10, June, 2016, San Jose, USA, JW2A.140 - M.Tsuzuki, Y.Nomura, L.Jin, M.Yamanaka, V.Sonnenschein, H.Tomita, T.Iguchi, A.Sato, A.Omori, A.Ideno, T.Ohara, Y.Sakakibara, E.Omoda, H.Kataura, and N.Nishizawa,
3um MIR comb generation based on high repetition rate Er-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube
Conference on Laser and Electro-optics(CLEO)2016, 5-10, June, 2016, San Jose, USA, STh4O.2 - T. Niinomi, Y. Nomura, L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, Y. Ozeki, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, and N. Nishizawa,
Development and characterization of 1.0-2.1 um octave spanning, coherent supercontinuum comb based on Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser
Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) 2016, ATu1A.5 (30 October, – 3 November ,2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) - L. Jin, M. Yamanaka, V. Sonnenschein, H. Tomita, T. Iguchi, A. Sato, A. Omori, A. Ideno, T. Oh-hara, N. Nishizawa,
Highly coherent tunable mid -infrared optical frequency comb seeded by high power supercontinuum at 1 μm
Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) 2016, ATh1A.7 (30 October, – 3 November ,2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Andou, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, and Y. Sakakibara,
Wideband wavelength tunable narrow linewidth source by spectral compression with improved comb profiled fiber and ultrashort pulse fiber laser with single wall carbon nanotube
Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) 2016, JTh2A.10 (30 October, – 3 November, 2016,Boston, Massachusetts, USA) - Norihiko Nishizawa,Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser and their applications
The 9th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science (ASILS'9), (Ninh Binh City, Vietnam, 6-10 November, 2016 ) (Invited)
- 西澤典彦、日本分光学会近赤外分光部会第11回シンポジウム スーパーコンティニューム光源を用いた超高分解能光断層計測(招待講演)
1月,名古屋市立大学,名古屋 - 西澤典彦、
レーザー・光技術が拓く科学技術の新潮流専門委員会 ファイバーレーザー技術の進展(招待講演)
1月,大阪大学,吹田市 - 西澤典彦、金磊、山中真仁、
1月,名城大学,名古屋 - 一般講演2件(金磊,山中真仁)
1月,名城大学,名古屋 - 一般講演8件(川越,金,冨樫,新家,西澤,他)、
3月,東工大,神奈川 - 一般講演6件(佐藤友,寺西,新家,冨樫,金,他)、
9月,朱鷺メッセ,新潟 - 川越寛之,山中真仁,巻田修一,安野嘉晃,西澤典彦、
第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演奨励賞受賞記念講演
9月,朱鷺メッセ,新潟 - 西澤 典彦、
9月,伊豆山研究センター,熱海 - 西澤 典彦、
10月,機会振興会館,東京 - 一般講演4件(川越,寺西,佐藤友)、
Optics & Photonics Japan 2016
11月,筑波大学,東京 - 西澤 典彦、
11月,科学技術館(東京) - 西澤 典彦,佐藤 友哉,山中 真仁,西内 俊策,亀岡 笑,北野 英己、
電子情報 通信学会ASN研究会
11月,名古屋大学 - 一般講演6件(金,佐藤友,冨樫,新家,佐藤方,西澤)、
- 西澤 典彦、
2016 受賞第14回(2015年度)APEX/JJAP編集貢献賞
4月受賞,応用物理学会 - 川越寛之,山中真仁,巻田修一,安野嘉晃,西澤典彦
9月,応用物理学会 - 佐藤 友哉、
Best student oral presentation award
"High power supercontinuum generation with Gaussian-like spectral shape in 2100 nm spectral band for optical coherence tomography"
5月受賞The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan - 寺西 達宏、
Best student oral presentation award
"Optical coherence microscopy in 1700 nm spectralband for deep and 3D high-resolution imaging of biological sample"
5月受賞The 5th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16) 17-20,May, 2016, Yokohama, Japan
- A. Okamura, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa, Experimental analysis of coherent supercontinuum generation and ultrashort pulse generation using cross-correlation frequency resolved optical gating (X-FROG), Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 32, Issue 3, pp. 400-406 (2015)
- N. Nishizawa, L. Jin, H. Kataura, Y. Sakakibara, Dynamics of a dispersion-managed passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser using single wall carbon nanotubes, Photonics, 2(3), 808-824 (2015)
- Y. Hattori, H. Kawagoe, Y. Ando, M. Yamanaka, N. Nishizawa,High-speed ultrahigh-resolution spectral domain optical coherence tomography using high-power supercontinuum at 0.8 µm wavelength, Appl. Phys. Express, 8, 082501 (2015)
- M. Okano, H. H. Lim, R. Okamoto, N. Nishizawa, S. Kurimura, S. Takeuchi,
0.54 um resolution two-photon interference with dispersion cancellation for quantum optical coherence tomography
Scientific Report , 8, 18042 (2015)
- 西澤典彦,
特集:オプトメカトロニクスにかける夢 ファイバーレーザー技術の展開
光技術コンタクト,vol.53, no.1, pp.29-34 (2015) - 西澤典彦,
特集:OCTの臨床診断と新しい展開 スーパーコンティニューム光を用いた超高分解能OCT
日本レーザー医学会誌,vol.35, no.4, pp.432-437 (2015) - 西澤典彦,
特集:ファイバーレーザーのネクストステージ 総論
オプトロニクス,vol.34, no.4, pp.132-133 (2015) - 西澤典彦,川越寛之,山中真仁,石田周太郎,
レーザー研究,vol.43, no.8, pp.521-525 (2015) - 西澤典彦,ファイバレーザー技術の新展開
光アライアンス,vol.26, no.11, pp.23-27 (2015)
- 竹内繁樹,
科学新聞 2016年1月1日掲載
- H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, N. Nishizawa,
Wavelength Dependence of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Using Supercontinuum Source,in Wavelengths of 0.8-1.9 μm
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15),Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPSp14-63 - Y. Ando, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa,
Improvement of Output Power and Suppression of Pedestal Components,for Wideband Wavelength-Tunable Narrow-Linewidth Source
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15) ,Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPS13-3 - N. Otsuka, N. Nishizawa,
Control of High Energy Sub-ps Pulses from Yb-Doped Fiber Laser Using Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15),Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPSp14-29 - K. Nonobe,L. Jin, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa,
Er-Doped Hybrid Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Using Combination of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Carbon Nanotube
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15),Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPSp14-32 - Y. Nomura, H. Kawagoe, Y. Hattori, M. Yamanaka, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa,
Supercontinuum Generation for Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography, at 0.8 mm from Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15),Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPS11-3 - L. Jin, N. Nishizawa,
Numerical Study of Hybrid Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers with Full-Vector Model
The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'15),Yokohama, Japan, Apr.22-24,2015, ALPSp14-31 - Y. Nomura, Y. Sakakibara, E. Omoda, H. Kataura, N. Nishizawa
Coherence evaluation of octave spanning supercontinuum using carbon nanotube fiber laser and similariton amplifier,
CLEO-Euro2015 (Munich, Germany, 21-25 June, 2015) CJ-4.4. - L.Jin,K. Nonobe, Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda, H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Femtosecond fiber laser mode-locked by hybrid scheme of nonlinear polarization rotation and single-wall carbon nanotube
CLEO-Euro2015 (Munich, Germany, 21-25 June, 2015) CJ-p.4. - H. Kawagoe,M. Yamanaka,N. Nishizawa
Development of ultrahigh-resolution spectral-domain OCT system using supercontinuum source in 1.7 um wavelength region
CLEO-Euro2015 (Munich, Germany, 21-25 June, 2015) CL-5.2. - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Development of highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser sources for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography (invited)
Topical Problems of Biophotonics (TPB) ,2015 (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 20-24 July, 2015) - M. Yamanaka,H. Kawagoe,N. Nishizawa,
Non-destructive cross-sectional imaging of Tomato using ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography
The Chinese control conference and SICE annual conference,2015 (Hangzhou, China, Jul. 28-30, 2015) - M. Yamanaka, T. Teranishi, H. Kawagoe, N. Nishizawa,
High-resolution optical coherence microscopy using a high-power supercontinuum source in 1700-nm spectral band
SPIE/OSJ Biophotonics Japan, 9792-18, (Tokyo, Japan, 27-28 October, 2015) - N. Nishizawa,L. Jin,M. Yamanaka,
Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser sources and application for optical coherence tomography (invited)
IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan 2015, 7-1, (Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 9-11, 2015)
- 西澤典彦,
レーザー学会第35回年次大会 フェムト秒ファイバレーザー技術とイメージングへの展開(招待講演)
1月,東海大学,東京 - 西澤典彦,
1月,産総研臨海副都心,東京 - 一般投稿2件,(大塚,野々部),
1月,名城大,名古屋 - 西澤典彦
第7回超高速時間分解光計測研究会, 高次機能超短パルス光源の開発と応用(招待講演)
3月,ホテルクラウンパレス浜松,浜松市 - 一般講演5件,(川越,野々部,野村,他),
3月,東海大学,神奈川県 - 一般講演7件 (大塚,野々部,都築,寺西,金,山中,他),
9月,名古屋国際会議場,名古屋市 - 一般講演4件,(川越,安藤,寺西,,山中),
Optics & Photonics Japan 2015
10月,筑波大学,東京 - 一般講演4件,(安藤,大塚,野々部,,野村),
11月,名古屋大学,名古屋 - 西澤 典彦,山中 真仁,金 磊,
11月,東京農工大,東京 - 一般講演6件,(大塚,野々部,野村,,都築,金,山中),
11月,名古屋大学,名古屋 - 一般講演2件,(都築,寺西),
- 野村佳孝,
1月受賞,応用物理学会(2014年11月開催) - 川越寛之,
Best Student Poster Paper Award,
"Wavelength Dependence of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Using Supercontinuum Source ,in Wavelengths of 0.8-1.9µm
4月受賞,The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources(ALPS),22-24 April, 2015, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan - 安藤栄充,
Best Student Oral Paper Award,
"Improvement of Output Power and Suppression of Pedestal Components ,for Wideband Wavelength-Tunable Narrow-Linewidth Source"
4月受賞,The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources(ALPS),22-24 April, 2015, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan - 都築将文,
12月受賞,レーザー学会中部支部若手研究発表会(2015年12月開催) - 佐藤友哉,都築将文,
- Yuto Nozaki,Yoshitaka Nomura,Mitsutoshi Aramaki,Norihiko Nishizawa,
Octave spanning coherent supercontinuum generation using 51 fs high-power
ultrashort pulse from Er-doped similariton amplifier
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, 020301 (2014) (rapid communication) - H. Kawagoe,S. Ishida,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Development of a high power supercontinuum source in the 1.7 um wavelength
region for highly penetrative ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 932-943 (2014) - N. Nishizawa,
Ultrashort pulse fiber lasers and their applications (invited review paper)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 53, 090101 (2014) - H. Lee,R. Oketani,Y.-T. Huang,K.-Y. Li,Y. Yonemaru,M. Yamanaka,S. Kawata,K. Fujita,S.-W. Chu,
Point spread function analysis with saturable and reverse saturable scattering
Opt. Express, vol. 22, 26016 (2014) - Y. Nomura,H. Kawagoe,Y. Hattori,M. Yamanaka,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,Y. Sakakibara,N. Nishizawa,
Supercontinuum generation for ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
at wavelength of 0.8 µm ,
using carbon nanotube fiber laser and similariton amplifier
Appl. Phys. Express, vol.7, p.122703 (2014)
- 西澤典彦,
基礎講座 "不透明な内部を可視化する"
応用物理,vol.83, no.2, pp.141-144 (2014) - 西澤典彦(訳),
パリティ,vol.29, no.4, pp.22-29 (2014)
- H. Kawagoe,N. Nishizawa,
Development of a high power supercontinuum source in the 1.7 um wavelength
region for highly penetrative ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography,
OCT News,6/29/14 Feature of the week
- T. Nagaike,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N.Nishizawa,
Optical frequency comb using stretched pulse mode-locked Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using carbon nanotube polyimide film
The 3rd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), Yokohama, Japan, Apr. 22-25, 2014, ALPS3-4 - H. Kawagoe,S. Ishida,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Improvement of sensitivity and penetration depth in ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography using high power supercontinuum source at1.7 um wavelength
The 3rd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), Yokohama, Japan, Apr. 22-25, 2014, ALPS11-5 - Y. Hattori,H. Kawagoe,N. Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh resolution, high speed optical coherence tomography using high power supercontinuum at 0.8 um wavelength region
The 3rd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), Yokohama, Japan, Apr. 22-25, 2014, ALPS-p42 - H. Kawagoe,N. Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum source in 1.9 um wavelength region
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Jose, SM4P.4 - A. Okamura,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N.Nishizawa,
Ultrashort pulse generation using supercontinuum generated by Er-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Jose, JW2A.40 - Y. Nomura,Y. Nozaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Octave spanning coherent supercontinuum generation by 46 fs pedestal free ultrashort pulse using similariton amplifier and Er-doped fiber laser with carbon nanotube
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2014, June 8-13, 2014, San Jose, STh3N.5 - N. Nishizawa,
Advance of wideband ultra-short pulse fiber lasers and sensing applications (invited)
Advanced Photonics Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain, Jul. 27-31, 2014, SeTh1D.2, - N. Nishizawa,
Ultrashort pulse fiber lasers with single wall carbon nanotube and their applications (invited),
Nano Science & Technology - 2014, October 29-31, 2014, Qingdao, China, S12-2 - N. Nishizawa,Youichi Sakakibara,Hiromichi Kataura,
Carbon-nanotube mode-locked fiber lasers and their applications to OCT (invited)
Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) 2014, November 16-21, 2014, Shanghai, China, ATu3A.1 - T. Asami,Y. Ito,T. Sugita,J. Nishiyama,H. Namiki,Y. Higashijima,M. Kobayashi,N. Nishizawa,H. Terasaki ,
Development of fiber optic cable optical coherence tomography,
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2014, 55, 1629. (May 4-8, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA)
- 西澤典彦,
3月,京都光技術研究会,京都市 - 一般講演2件,(岡村,川越),
3月,青山学院大学,相模原 - 西澤典彦,
8月,東京大学物性研,柏市 - 山中真仁,
応用物理学会東海支部 第24回基礎セミナー,
9月,名古屋大学,名古屋市 - 一般講演3件,(長池,安藤,野村),
9月,北海道大学,札幌市 - 一般講演8件,(金,川越,服部,安藤,大塚,野々部,野村,他),
Optics & Photonics Japan 2014
11月,筑波大学,東京 - 一般講演4件,(長池,服部,安藤,野村),
11月,名古屋大学,名古屋市 - 一般講演5件,(長池,安藤,大塚,野々部,野村),
11月,名古屋大学,名古屋市 - 西澤典彦,
量子エレクトロニクス研究会・バイオメディカルフォトニクスII ,
- 長池健,
2月受賞,名古屋大学(2013年12月開催) - 長池健,
2月受賞,応用物理学会(2013年11月開催) - Yuji Hattori,
Best Student Poster Award,
Ultrahigh Resolution, High Speed Optical Coherence Tomography using High Power Supercontinuum at 0.8 µm Wavelength
Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources(ALPS), 22-24 April, 2014, Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan - 野村佳孝,
12月受賞,名古屋大学(2014年12月開催) - 安藤栄充,
- Takehiro Hiraoka,Takayuki Ohta,Tetsunori Kageyama,Masafumi Ito,Norihiko Nishizawa,Masaru Hori,
Temperature measurement of Si substrate using optical-fiber-type low-coherence
interferometry employing supercontinuum light
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 52, 026602 (2013) - Takehiro Hiraoka,Takayuki Ohta,Masafumi Ito,Norihiko Nishizawa,Masaru Hori,
Optical-fiber-type broadband cavity ring-down spectroscopy using wavelength-tunable
ultrashort pulse light
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Rapid Communication, vol. 52,, 040201 (2013) - M. Aramaki,S. Kameyama,and A. Kono,
Non-perturbative probe laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of lasercooled
Ca-plasma in a linear radiofrequency ion trap
Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VIII, AIP Conf. Proc. 1521, 184-190 (2013) - S. Ishida,N. Nishizawa,M. Kitatsuji,H. Ohshima,M. Matsushima,T.Kawabe,
Three-dimensional ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of lung tissues
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8565, 856531-1-6 (2013) - S. Ishida,H. Kawagoe,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using high power fiber laser supercontinuum at 1.7 um wavelength region
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8571, 85710B-1-6 (2013) - N. Nishizawa,S. Ishida,M. Hirose,S. Sugiyama,T. Inoue,Y. Mori,K. Itoh,H. Matsumura,
Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of protein crystals using gel inclusion technique
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8571, 85712M-1-6 (2013) - Y. Ozeki,Y. Otsukac,S. Sato,H. Hashimoto,W. Umemuraa,K. Sumimura,N. Nishizawa,K. Fukui,K. Itoh,
Label-free observation of tissues by high-speed stimulated Raman spectral microscopy and independent component analysis
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8588, 858806-1-9 (2013),(Invited) - Masayuki Okano,Ryo Okamoto,Akira Tanaka,Shutaro Ishida,Norihiko Nishizawa Shigeki,Takeuchi,
Dispersion cancellation in High Resolution Two-Photon Interference
Physical Review A, vol. 88, 043845 (2013)
- 西澤典彦,
総合報告 "ファイバーレーザーの進展と応用"
光学,vol.42, no.9, pp.438-445 (2013) - 西澤典彦,松村浩由,
第II編,第5章,シーエムシー出版 (2013)
- 西澤典彦,
レーザー研究,vol.41, no.10, p.767 (2013)
- N. Nishizawa,K. Takahashi,
Ultrafast near-infrared spectroscopy using fiber laser based wavelength tunable narrow-linewidth source,
ISPlasma 2013, January 28- Feburary 1, 2013, Nagoya, Japan - S. Ishida,N. Nishizawa,M. Kitatsuji,H. Ohshima,M. Matsushima,T. Kawabe,
Three-dimensional ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of lung tissues
SPIE Photonics West 2013, BIOS, 2-7 February, 2013, San Francisco, USA,8565-106 - S. Ishida,H. Kawagoe,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using high power fiber laser supercontinuum at 1.7 um wavelength region
SPIE Photonics West 2013, BIOS, 2-7 February, 2013, San Francisco, USA,8571-10 - N. Nishizawa,S. Ishida,M. Hirose,S. Sugiyama,T. Inoue,Y. Mori,K. Itoh,
Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
imaging of protein crystals using gel inclusion technique
SPIE Photonics West 2013, BIOS, 2-7 February, 2013, San Francisco, USA, 8571-94 - Y. Ozeki,Y. Otsuka,S. Sato,H. Hashimoto,W. Umemura,K. Sumimura,N. Nishizawa,K. Fukui,K. Itoh,
Label free observation of tissues by high-speed stimulated Raman spectral microscopy and independent component analysis (invited)
SPIE Photonics West 2013, BIOS, 2-7 February, 2013, San Francisco, USA,8588-6 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Wideband ultrafast fiber sources for OCT and metrology (invited)
Ultrafast Optics (UFO) IX, March 4-8, 2013, Davos, Switzerland - M. Aramaki,A. Kono,
Experimental study of Coulomb screening mechanism in cryogenic one-component
5th international symposium on advanced plasma science and its applications for nitrides and nanomaterials, Jan. 28- Feb. 1, 2013, Nagoya, Japan. - N. Nishizawa,S. Ishida,
Dynamics of Er-doped soliton-similariton fiber laser and application for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS) '13, April 23-25, 2013, Yokohama,Japan, APLS3-2 - H. Kawagoe,S. Ishida,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,and N. Nishizawa,
Highly sensitive ultrahigh resolution OCT using high power supercontinuum
at 1.7 um wavelength region based on single wall carbon nanotube fiber
Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS) '13, April 23-25, 2013, Yokohama, Japan, JAPLS5-4 - Y. Nozaki,N. Nishizawa,H. Kataura,E. Omoda,Y. Sakakibara,
285 mW high power, dissipative soliton mode-locked, Er-doped fiber laser using carbon nanotube
CLEO2013, June 9-14, 2013, San Jose, USA, CM1I.4 - H. Kawagoe,S. Ishida,M. Aramaki,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
110 MHz soliton mode-locked high power Er-doped fiber laser using carbon nanotube polyimide film
CLEO2013, June 9-14, 2013, San Jose, USA, CM2I.5 - N. Nishizawa,T. Nagaike,M. Aramaki,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,Y. Sakakibara,
Optical frequency comb using dispersion managed Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using carbon nanotube polyimide film
CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, June 30 - July 4, 2013, Kyoto, Japan, TuF1-3 - Y. Nozaki,N. Nishizawa,
Octave spanning coherent supercontinuum generation by 51 fs pedestal free high power ultrashort pulse from similariton amplifier
CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, June 30 - July 4, 2013, Kyoto, Japan, WA1-2 - A. Okamura,Y. Sakakibara,E. Omoda,H. Kataura,N. Nishizawa,
Generation of high quality supercontinuum using ultrashort pulse fiber laser system with carbon nanotube
CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, June 30 - July 4, 2013, Kyoto, Japan, WB4-2 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser sources and application for metrology (invited)
The International Workshop on New Science and Technologies using Entangled Photonns (NSTEP), July 8-9, 2013, Osaka, Japan, Invited TALK 7
- 一般講演2件,(岡村,川越),
3月,神奈川工科大学,厚木 - 岡野真之,西澤典彦,栗村直,竹内繁樹,
量子光コヒーレンストモグラフィがよせる分極反転デバイスへの期待 (招待講演)
3月,神奈川工科大学,厚木 - 荒巻光利,
日本物理学会第68回年次大会,2013年3月26日~29日,広島大学 - 吉村信次,荒巻光利,田中瑛貴,寺坂健一郎,田中雅慶,
日本物理学会第68回年次大会,2013年3月26日~29日,広島大学 - 西澤典彦,
広帯域波長可変超短パルスファイバ-レーザー光源の開発 (招待講演)
レーザー顕微鏡研究会第39回講演会,7月,理化学研究所,和光市 - 西澤典彦,
高機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と先端光計測への応用 (特別講演)
プラズマ科学のフロンティア2013研究会,8月,核融合科学研究所,多治見市 - 一般講演2件(長池,西澤),
9月,同志社大学,京都 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser sources and application
for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography (Invited)
第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会・JSAP-OSA Join Symposia, 9月,同志社大学,京都 - 西澤典彦,
フォトニックセンシング最前線,9月,東京大学 - 一般講演4件(岡村,川越,服部,白木),
Optics & Photonics Japan (OPJ)2013
11月,奈良 - 一般講演5件(岡村,川越,長池,服部,野村),
11月,名古屋大学 - 一般講演2件(長池,服部),
11月,名城大学 - 一般講演4件,(岡村,川越,長池,服部),
Norihiko Nishizawa,
Optical Society of America, Senior Member
- Shutaro Ishida,and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Quantitative comparison of contrast and imaging depth of ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography images in 800-1700 nm wavelength region
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 282-294 (2012) - Yasuyuki Ozeki, Wataru Umemura, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa,Kiichi Fukui, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Stimulated Raman hyperspectral imaging based on spectral filtering of broadband
fiber laser pulses
Optics Letters, vol.37, p.431 (2012) - Shutaro Ishida, and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Ex-vivo Imaging of Thyroid Gland Using Ultrahigh-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography at Wavelength from 800 nm to 1700 nm
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Rapid Communications, vol.51, 030203 (2012) - Wataru Umemura, Kenta Fujita, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Ken Goto, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Kiichi Fukui, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Subharmonic synchronization of picosecond Yb fiber laser to picosecond Ti:Sapphire laser for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.51, 022702 (2012) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Shutaro Ishida, Mika Hirose, Shigeru Sugiyama, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Yusuke Mori, Kazuyoshi Itoh, and Hiroyoshi Matsumura,
Three-dimensional, non-invasive, cross-sectional imaging of protein crystals using ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
Biomedical Optics Express, Vol.3, No.4, pp.735-740 (2012) - Shutaro Ishida, Norihiko Nishizawa, Masashi Kitatsuji, Hiroyoshi Ohshima, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Miyoko Matsushima, and Tsutomu Kawabe,
Observation of fine lung structre by ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using 800, 1060, and 1300 nm supercontinua
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.51, 047001 (2012) - Eiji Shiraki, Norihiko Nishizawa,
Coherent ultrashort pulse generation from incoherent light by pulse trapping in birefringent fibers
Optics Express vol.20, no.10, 11073-11082 (2012) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Shutaro Ishida, Masashi Kitatsuji, Hiroyoshi Ohshima, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Miyako Matsushima, and Tsumoto Kawabe,
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of diseased rat lung using Gaussian shaped super continuum sources,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8207, 82073J-1-7 (2012) - Shutaro Ishida, Norihiko Nishizawa,
Quantitative comparison of wavelength dependence on penetration depth and imaging contrast for ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum sources at five wavelength regions,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8213, 821330-1-6 (2012) - Wataru Umemura, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Kenta Fujita, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, High-resolution, high-speed tunable grating filter for stimulated Raman spectral imaging,
Proceedings of SPIE, vol.8226, 82261Q-1-7 (2012) - Keisuke Nose, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Tatsuya Kishi, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Yasuo Kanematsu, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Sensitivity enhancement of fiber-laser-based stimulated Raman scattering microscopy by collinear balanced detection technique
Optics Express, Vol.20, No.13, pp.13958-13965 (2012) - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Generation and application of high-quality supercontinuum sources
Optical Fiber Technology Vol.18, pp.394-402 (2012)(Invited Paper) - Yusuf Celik, Tsanko V. Tsankov, Mitsutoshi Aramaki, Shinji Yoshimura, Dirk Luggenholscher, Uwe Czarnetzki,
Recombination and enhanced metastable repopulation in the argon afterglow
Phys. Rev. E 85, (2012) 056401 - Yusuf Celik,Tsanko V. Tsankov, Mitsutoshi Aramaki, Shinji Yoshimura, Dirk Luggenhoelscher, Uwe Czarnetzki,
Electron cooling in decaying low-pressure plasmas
Phys. Rev. E 85, (2012) 046407 - Yasuyuki Ozeki, Wataru Umemura, Yoichi Otsuka, Syuya Satoh, Hiroyuki Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Kiichi Fukui, Kazuyoshi Itoh,
High-speed molecular spectral imaging of tissue with stimulated Raman scattering
Nature Photonics, 2012.263 (2012) - Yuto Nozaki, Norihiko Nishizawa, Emiko Omoda, Hiromichi Kataura, Youichi Sakakibara,
Power scaling of dispersion-managed Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser with single wall carbon nanotubes
Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Issue 24, pp.5079-5081 (2012)
- 西澤 典彦,
強光子場科学研究懇談会,Newsletter,vol.64 - 西澤典彦,石田周太郎,
光アライアンス,vol.23, no.8, pp.11-15 (2012), - 西澤 典彦,
- 三次元光計測技術,~広帯域光源を用いた干渉計測による高感度・高機能計測~
- 光アライアンス,vol.23, no.9, pp.16-19 (2012)
- Noriko Nishizawa, Hiroyoshi Matsmura,
Researchers at Osaka and Nagoya University Investigate The Use of Ultrahigh Resolution OCT for Imaging Protein Crystals
OCT News,4/8/12 Feature of the week - 西澤典彦,松村浩由,
日刊工業新聞,2012年4月10日 - 西澤典彦,石田周太郎,松村浩由,廣瀬未果,杉山成,森勇介,井上豪,伊東一良,
OplusE,一枚の写真,Vol.34, No.7 (2012) - Norihiko Nishizawa,Shutaro Ishida,
Highly functional wideband fiber lasers for metrology
SPIE Newsroom, 10.1117/2.1201209.004474
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Shutaro Ishida, Masashi Kitatsuji, Hiroyoshi Ohshima, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Miyoko Matsushima, and Tsutomu Kawabe,
Ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of diseased rat lung using Gaussian-shaped super-continuum sources
Photonics West2012, BIOS, 8207D-69 (San Francisco, USA) January 21-26 - Shutaro Ishida, and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Quantitative comparison of wavelength dependence on penetration depth and
imaging contrast for ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography
using supercontinuum sources at five wavelength regions
- Photonics West2012, BIOS, 8213-107 (San Francisco, USA) January 21-26
- Wataru Umemura, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Kenta Fujita, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh
High-resolution, high-speed tunable grating filter for stimulated Raman spectral imaging
Photonics West2012, BIOS, 8226-56 (San Francisco, USA) January 21-26 - Shigeki Takeuchi, Ryo Okamoto, Masayuki Okano, Akira Tanaka, Shanthi Subashchandran, Sunao Kurimura, and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Realization of ultra-broadband entangled photons and application to quantum
sensing (Invited Paper)
Photonics West2012, OPTO, 8272-28 (San Francisco, USA) January 21-26 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Yuto Nozaki, Youichi Sakakibara,
Dynamics of dispersion managed Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using
carbon nanotube saturable absorber
The 1st Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'12), ALPS5-2 Yokohama, Japan, Apr.26-27. - Yuto Nozaki, Norihiko Nishizawa, Emiko Itoga,,Youichi Sakakibara,
High-power, ultrashort pulse generation from dispersion managed, passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser using single wall-carbon nanotube
The 1st Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'12), ALPS5-2, Yokohama, Japan, Apr.26-27. - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Modeling and power scaling of carbon-nanotube mode-locked fiber lasers
CLEO2012, CF1N.3 (San Jose, USA) May 6-11, 2012 (invited) - Wataru Umemura, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Kenta Fujita, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
High-speed molecular spectral imaging by stimulated Raman scatteringmicroscopy
using wavelength-tunable pulses
CLEO2012, JW3G.5 (San Jose, USA) May 6-11, 2012 - Keisuke Nose, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Tatsuya Kishi, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Yasuo Kanematsu, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Sensitivity enhancement of fiber laser based stimulated Raman scattering microscopy by intensity noise suppressor,
CLEO2012, JW3G.7 (San Jose, USA) May 6-11, 2012 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
- OECC2012, 5F3-2 (Busan, Korea) July 2-6, 2012 (invited)
- S. Yoshimura, K. Terasaka, Y. Kato, M. Aramaki, M.Y. Tanaka,
2D measurement of field-aligned intermittent high-energy electron flux in an ECR discharge plasma
39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics(Stockholm, Sweden) ,July 2-6, 2012 - K. Terasaka, S. Yoshimura, M. Aramaki, M. Y. Tanaka,
Experimental study on flow structure formation associated with ion stream line detachment in a diverging magnetic field
39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics(Stockholm, Sweden) ,July 2-6, 2012 - Mitsutoshi Aramaki,
Coulomb Screening in One-Component Strongly-Coupled Plasma
10th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas(Germany),August 27-30, 2012 - Mitsutoshi Aramaki, Akihiro Kono,
Coulomb Collision in Cryogenic Plasma
European Conference on Trapped Ions(Austria),September 10-14, 2012
- 西澤典彦,
1月、仙台 - 一般講演1件(野崎),
1月、仙台 - 西澤典彦,
2月,大阪大学 - 西澤典彦,
2月,東京 - 一般講演3件(石田,西澤,野崎),
3月,早稲田大学,東京 - 「プラズマ科学のフロンティア2012」研究会,
8月,核融合科学研究所 - 一般講演2件(西澤,石田),
9月,松山 - 野崎悠人,西澤典彦,面田恵美,片浦弘道,榊原陽一,
「散逸性ソリトンモード同期による216mW, 7.1nJ高出力ナノチューブファイバレーザーの開発」,
9月,松山 - 太田健史,
「Three-dimensional optical measurement with spectroscopic function using fiber laser supercontinuum」,
9月,松山 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Shutaro Ishida,
第73回応用物理学会学術講演会・JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia,
「Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography using supercontinuum sources」(Invited)
9月,松山 - 荒巻光利,
9月,横浜 - 一般公演1件(荒巻),
9月,横浜 - 一般講演2件(岡村,川越),
9月,豊橋 - 一般講演3件(石田,西澤,川越),
Optics & Photonics Japan 2012,
10月,船堀 - 西澤典彦,
10月,幕張 - 一般講演1件(西澤・石田),
11月,東工大,東京 - 一般講演3件(野崎,石田,西澤),
11月,名古屋大学,名古屋 - 西澤典彦,
西澤典彦, 第4回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会, 「高機能超短パルスファイバレーザー光源の開発と超高分解能OCTへの応用」(招待講演)
西澤典彦, R&Dセミナー,「ファイバレーザーの基礎と加工・適用技術」(招待講演),
2012 受賞
,- 石田周太郎, 西澤典彦,山ノ井航平,中里智治,清水俊彦,猿倉信彦,
5月,レーザー研シンポジウム2012 - 野崎裕人,西澤典彦,糸賀恵美子,片浦弘道,榊原陽一,講演奨励賞,
3月,応用物理学会 - Takefumi Ohta, Norihiko Nishizawa, Tetsuya Ozawa ,and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
応用物理学会論文賞「応用物理学会論文奨励賞」,Three-Dimensional Optical Measurement with Spectroscopic Function Using Fiber Laser Supercontinuum,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 032702
- Takefumi Ohta, Norihiko Nishizawa, Tetsuya Ozawa, Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Three-Dimensional Optical Measurement with Spectroscopic Function,Using Fiber
Laser Supercontinuum
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 50 (2011) No. 3, 032702 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Generation and application of high quality super continuum,
Polymer Photonics, and Novel Optical Technologies, p. 72 (PWC,Publishing, 2011) - Shutaro Ishida, Norihiko Nishizawa, Takefumi Ohta, and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Ultrahigh-Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography in 1.7 μm Region with Fiber Laser Supercontinuum in Low-Water-Absorption Samples
Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 052501 - S. Ishida, N. Nishizawa, K. Itoh,
Experimental investigation of wavelength dependence of penetration depth
and imaging contrast for ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography
Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7889, pp.78892L-1-6 (2011) - N. Nishizawa, S. Ishida, T. Ohta, K. Itoh, M. Kitatsuji, H. Ohshima, Y. Hasegawa, M. Matsushima, T. Kawabe,
Ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of lung structure using Gaussian-shaped supercontinuum sources
Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7889, pp.78892O-1-6 (2011) - N. Nishizawa, S. Ishida, T. Ohta, K. Itoh, M. Kitatsuji, H. Ohshima, Y. Hasegawa, M. Matsushima, T. Kawabe,
Ex-vivo ultra-high-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of fine lung structure by use of a high-power Gaussian-like supercontinuum at 0.8-μm wavelength
Proc. of SPIE, Vol.7889, pp.78930Y-1-6 (2011) - 白木英二,西澤典彦,
レーザー研究,39, 550 (2011) - Norihiko Nishizawa,
and Koji Takahashi,Time-domain near-infrared spectroscopy using wavelength-tunable narrow linewidth source by spectral compression of ultrashort soliton pulses
Optics Letters, 36, 3780 (2011) - Eiji Shiraki,
Norihiko Nishizawa,
and Kazuyoshi Itoh,
Ultrafast all-optical signal regenerator using pulse trapping in birefringent fibers
Journal of Optical Society of America B,Vol. 28, No. 11, p. 2643 (2011) - M. Okano, R. Okamoto, A. Tanaka, S.Subashchandran, S. Takeuchi, S. Ishida, N. Nishizawa,
Generation of broadband spontaneous parametric fluorescence and its application to quantum optical coherence tomography
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.8163, 816312 (2011) - T. Kato, Y. Matsumoto, S. Okamoto, N. Kikuchi, O. Kitakami, N. Nishizawa, S. Tsunashima, and S. Iwata,
Time-resolved magnetization dynamics and damping constant of sputtered Co/Ni multilayers
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.47, No. 10, 3036 (2011) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Nozaki, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and Y. Sakakibara,
Dispersion manages, high power, Er doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using carbon nanotube polyimide film
Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 22, pp. 21874-21879 (2011) - T. Noto, H. Tomita, J. Kawarabayashi, T. Iguchi, and N. Nishizawa,
Preselecting method for plutonium particle analysis in environmental samples by nuclear emulsion
Radiation Measurements, vol.36, no.11, pp. 1807-1809 (2011)
- 西澤典彦、他,
日本学術振興会光エレクトロニクス第130委員会編,オーム社、2011年5月 - 西澤研究室,
レーザー研究室紹介,名古屋大学 西澤研究室
レーザー研究, vol.39, no.8, p.652 (2011) - 西澤 典彦,
電子情報通信学会誌,vol.94, no.9, pp.801-805 (2011) - 西澤 典彦,
応用物理, vol.80, no.12, pp.1049-1052 (2011)
- S.Ishida, N.Nishizawa, and K.Itoh,
Experimental investigation of wavelength dependence of penetration depth and imaging contrast for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
Photonics West2011, BIOS, 7889-92,(San Francisco, USA) January 22-27 - N.Nishizawa, S.Ishida, T.Ohta, K.Itoh, M.Kitatsuji, H.Ohshima,,Y.Hasegawa, M.Matsushima, and T.Kawabe,
Ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of lung structure using Gaussian shaped supercontinuum sources
Photonics West2011, BIOS, 7889-95, (San Francisco, USA) January 22-27 - N.Nishizawa, S.Ishida, T.Ohta, K.Itoh, M.Kitatsuji, H.Ohshima,,Y.Hasegawa, M.Matsushima, and T.Kawabe,
Ex-vivo ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography imaging of fine lung structure by use of a high power Gaussian like supercontinuum at 0.8 um wavelength
Photonics West2011, BIOS, 7893-34, (San Francisco, USA) January 22-27 - Eiji Shiraki ,
and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Coherent Ultrashort Pulse Generation from Incoherent Light by Trapped Pulse Amplification in Birefringent Fibers
CLEO2011, CThDD1 (Baltimore, USA) May1-6, 2011 - Norihiko Nishizawa ,
and Koji Takahashi,
Rapid, Wideband, Wavelength Tunable Narrow Linewidth Source by Spectral Compression of Ultrashort Soliton Pulses
CLEO2011, CThDD7 (Baltimore, USA) May1-6, 2011 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Itoga, and Hiromichi Kataura,
Optical Frequency Comb Using Polarization Maintaining Er-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser with Carbon-Nanotube Polyimide Film
CLEO2011, JThB125 (Baltimore, USA) May1-6, 2011 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Development and application of highly functional ultrashort pulse fiberlasers
ISOM/ODS2011, OMC2, (Hawaii, USA) July 17-20, 2011 (Invited) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Yuto Nozaki, Youichi Sakakibara, Emiko Itoga, and Hiromichi Sakakibara,
Dynamics of Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using single wall carbon nanotube polyimide film
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 2230-CT-1 (Sydney, Australia) Aug. 28-Sept.1, 2011 - Shutaro Ishida, and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Quantitative comparison of scattering coefficient with ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 4430-CT-6 (Sydney, Australia) Aug. 28-Sept.1, 2011 - Eiji Shiraki ,and Norihiko Nishizawa,
Characteristics of ultrashort pulse generation from incoherent light by trapped pulse amplification in birefringent fibers
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 5250-CT-1 (Sydney, Australia) Aug. 28-Sept.1, 2011 - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Ultrahigh resolution OCT using wideband nonlinear fiber light sources
APSOCT 2011 (The 1st Asia and Pacific Rim Symposium on Optical Coherence,Tomography),Paper 6-1 (Taipei, Taiwan) Nov.11-12, 2011 (Invited)
- T. Ohta, N. Nishizawa, T. Ozawa, and K. Itoh,
High-speed, high-resolution, and large-scanningrange three-dimensional optical measurement system using a wavelength-tunable orthogonally polarized ultrashort
twin pulse source,
Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 141 (2010) - Masahiro Nishiura, Toshihiro Kobayashi, Muneyuki Adachi, Jun Nakanishi, Tokio Ueno, Yasuki Ito, and Norihiko Nishizawa, In vivo Ultrahigh-Resolution Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography Using
Gaussian-Shaped Supercontinuum,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 49, p.012701 (2010) - E.Shiraki, and N.Nishizawa, Wideband amplification using orthogonally polarized pulse trapping in
birefringent fibers
Optics Express, Vol.18, No.7, pp.7323-7330, March, 2010 - N. Nishizawa, K. Takahashi, Y. Ozeki,
and K. Itoh, Wideband spectral compression of wavelengthtunable ultrashort soliton pulse
using combprofile fiber
Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 11, p.11700 (2010) - Yasuyuki Ozeki, Yuma Kitagawa, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, Wataru Umemura, Shin'ichiro Kajiyama, Kiichi Fukui, and Kazuyoshi Itoh ,Stimulated Raman scattering microscope with shot noise limited sensitivity using subharmonically synchronized laser pulses
Optics Express, Vol. 18, Issue 13, pp. 13708-13719 (2010) - Y. Senoo, N. Nishizawa, Y. Sakakibara, K. Sumimura, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and K. Itoh, Ultralow-repetition-rate, high-energy, polarization-maintaining, Er-doped, ultrashort-pulse fiber laser using single-wall-carbon-nanotube saturable absorber,
Opt. Express 18, 20673-20680 (2010) , - Eiji Shiraki, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Ultrashort pulse generation from continuous wave by pulse trapping in birefringent fibers
Optics Express, vol.18, no.22, p.23070 (2010) - Kazuhiko Sumimura, Yumi Genda, Takefumi Ohta, Kazuyoshi Itoh, and Norihiko Nishizawa, Quasi-supercontinuum generation using 1:06 um ultrashort-pulse laser system for ultrahigh-resolution optical-coherence tomography
Optics Letters, vol. 35, no. 21, 3631 (2010)
- 西澤典彦, 2009年光学界の進展 ・ レーザー
光学,vol.39, No.4, p.179
- 西澤典彦, 研究室紹介「レーザーフォトニクス・超短パルス光を自由に操ろう」
光アライアンス, vol.21, No.7, p.60-62 (2010)
- Eiji Shiraki, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Ultrashort Pulse Generation from cw Beam by Trapped Pulse Amplification in Birefringent Fibers
CLEO2010, CMC7 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010 - Y. Senoo, N. Nishizawa, Y. Sakakibara, K. Sumimura, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and K. Itoh, 154 kHz, Ultra-Low Repetition Rate, High-Energy Pulse, Polarization Maintaining,
Er-doped Fiber Laser Using Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Polyimide Film
JTuD47 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Kazuhiko Sumimura, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Fiber Laser Based Optical Frequency Comb System Using Fiber Chirped Pulse Amplification Technique
CLEO2010, JWA40 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010 - Eiji Shiraki, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, All-Optical Signal Regeneration using Pulse Trapping in Birefringent Fibers
CLEO2010 CWC2 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010 - Yasuyuki Ozeki, Yuma Kitagawa, Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa,,Wataru Umemura,
Makiko Ishii, Shin'ichiro Kajiyama, Kiichi Fukui, Subharmonic Synchronization of Two-Color Laser Pulses for Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy
CLEO2010, CWD1 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010 - S. Ishida, N. Nishizawa, T. Ohta, and K. Itohand Kazuyoshi Itoh,
1.7 μm Wavelength Tunable Supercontinuum Source for Optical Coherence Tomography
CLEO2010, CThT4 (San Jose, USA) May16-21, 2010 - T. Ohta, N. Nishizawa, K. Itoh, and T. Ozawa, Spectroscopic Three-Dimensional Measurement Using Supercontinuum
7th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication,(ODF'10), 20S2-07, (Yokohama, Japan) April 19-21, 2010 - N. Nishizawa, Wideband ultra-short pulse fiber lasers and their sensing applications
2010 OSA Optics & Photonics Congress, SWC2, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 21-24, 2010 (Invited) - N. Nishizawa, E. Shiraki, and K. Itoh, Application of trapped pulse amplification in birefringent fibers
12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2010) Mo.C1.1,Munich, Germany, June 28-31, 2010 (Invited) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Generation and application of high quality supercontinuum
11th Chitose International Forum on Photonics Science & Technology, O-15, Chitose, Japan, October 14-15 (2010) (Invited)
- 太田健史, 西澤典彦, 小澤哲也, 伊東一良, 広帯域光源と全ファイバ型干渉計を用いた非接触・高感度・高精度三次
レーザー研究 Vol.37, No.1, p.52 (2009) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Hideyuki Mitsuzawa, Jun Takayanagi, and Kazuhiko Sumimura, Generation of 0.45-1.38 μm visible to near-infrared widely broadened supercontinuum using Er-doped ultrashort-pulse fiber laser system
Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 426-431 (2009) - Takefumi Ohta, Norihiko Nishizawa, Tetsuya Ozawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, High-speed three-dimensional measurement using electronically controlled wavelength-tunable ultrashort pulse fiber laser
Opt. Lett., vol. 34, no. 13, pp. 1921, July 1, (2009) - Y. Senoo, N. Nishizawa, Y. Sakakibara, K. Sumimura, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and K. Itoh, Polarization-maintaining, high-energy, wavelength-tunable, Er-doped ultrashort pulse fiber laser using carbon-nanotube polymide film
Optics EXpress, Vol. 17, Issue 22, pp. 20233-20241, (2009) - N. Nishizawa, Highly functuinal all-optical control using ultrafast nonlinear effects in optical fibers,
IEEE jounal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1445-1455 (2009) - N. Nishizawa, and K. Itoh,
Control of Optical Pulse at Visible Region using Pulse Trapping by Soliton Pulse in Photonic Crystal Fibers
Appl. Phys. Exp., vol. 2, pp. 062501 (2009)
- 西澤典彦, 太田健史, 伊東一良, 全ファイバ型干渉計による非接触3次元光計測システムの開発,~遠距離から高感度・高精度な3次元光計測を実現~
光アライアンス, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 42-45 (2009) - 西澤典彦,ファイバーレーザー
OplusE,Vol.31, no.11, pp.1258-1261 (2009) - 西澤典彦, 伊東一良, 高機能超短パルスファイバレーザーの開発
OPTRONICS,vol.28, no.11, pp.85-88 (2009) - 西澤典彦, 伊東一良, 榊原陽一,高エネルギーパルスファイバレーザー技術の進展
OPTRONICS,vol.28, no.12, pp.63-66 (2009)
- Norihiko Nishizawa, Octave spanning high quality super continuum generation using ultrashort
pulse fiber laser, ~Highly functional optical control using ultrafast nonlinear effects in
optical fibers~
LEOS Winter Topicals 2009, Nano & Nonlinear Photonics, Austria, Innsbruck, 12-14, January,(Plenary Talk) - Norihiko Nishizawa,
Highly functional all optical controll using ultrafast nonlinear phenomena in optical fibers
11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON2009), Tu.B1.1, (Azores, Portugal) June 28 - July 2 (Invited) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Highly functional all optical control using ultrafast nonlinear effects
in optical fibers
CLEO Pacific Rim 2009, WH2-2 (Shanghai, China) Aug.30 - Sep.3, 2009 - Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Control of Optical Pulse at Visible Region Using PulseTrapping in Photonic Crystal Fibers
CLEO2009, CMHH3 (Baltimore, USA) June 1 - 5 - Y. Seno, N. Nishizawa, Y. Sakakibara, K. Sumimura, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and K. Itoh, Polarization Maintaining Passively Mode-Locked Er-doped Ultrashort Soliton Fiber Laser Using Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Polyimide Film
CLEO2009, CML2 (Baltimore, USA) June 1 - 5 - Kazuhiko Sumimura, Norihiko Nishizawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Quasi-Super-Continuum Generation Using Ultrahigh-Speed Wavelength-Tunable Soliton Pulses Based on 1.06 μm Ultrashort Pulse Laser System
CLEO2009, CFS6 (Baltimore, USA) June 1 - 5
- N. Nishizawa, Y. Seno, K. Sumimura, Y. Sakakibara, E. Itoga, H. Kataura, and K. Itoh, All-polarization-maintaining Er-doped ultrashort-pulse fiber laser using carbon nanotube saturable absorber,
Optics Express, Vol. 16, No. 13, p.9429 (2008) - Norihiko Nishizawa, and Masaru Hori,
Octave Spanning High Quality Super Continuum Generation Using 10 nJ and 104 fs High Energy Ultrashort Soliton Pulse
Applied Physics Express, Vol. 1, 022009 (2008) - Takefumi Ohta, Norihiko Nishizawa, Tetsuya Ozawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, Highly-sensitive and high-resolution all-fiber three-dimensional measurement system
Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 13, p.2503 (2008) - M.Tsuji, N.Nishizawa, and Y.Kawata, Compact and High-Power Mode-Locked Fiber Laser for Three-Dimensional Optical Memory,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics: Special Issue"Optical memories", Vol. 47, pp. 5797-5799 (2008) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Highly functional optical control using, ultrafast nonlinear optical effects, induced by ultrashort pulse ,
Proceedings of 8th Chitose International Forum on Photonics Science & Technology, pp.53-58 (2008) - Kazuhiko Sumimura, Takefumi Ohta, and Norihiko Nishizawa, Quasi-super-continuum generation, using ultrahigh-speed wavelength-tunable soliton pulses,
Optics letters, vol. 33, No. 24, p.2892 (2008) - J. Takayanagi, S. Kanamori, K. Suizu, M. Yamashita, T. Ouchi, S. Kasai, H.Ohtake, H. Uchida, N. Nishizawa, and K. Kawase, Generation and detection of, broadband coherent terahertz radiation, using 17-fs ultrashort pulse fiber laser,
OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 16, No. 17, p. 12859 (2008) - T. Kato, K. Nakazawa, R. Komiya, N. Nishizawa, S. Tsunashima, and S. Iwata,
Compositional Dependence of g-Factor and Damping Constant of GdFeCo Amorphous Alloy Films,
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, Vol. 44, No. 11, p. 3380 (2008) - 太田健史,西澤典彦,小澤哲也,伊東一良,
レーザー研究,Vol.37, No.1, p.52 (January 2009) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Hideyuki Mitsuzawa, Jun Takayanagi, and Kazuhiko Sumimura, Generation of 0.45-1.38 μm visible to near-infrared widely broadened supercontinuum using Er-doped ultrashort-pulse fiber laser system
>Journal of Optical Society of America B, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 426-431(2009)
- 西澤 典彦, 「超広帯域レーザー光発生技術」,~超短パルス光と光ファイバの非線形,
効果を用いたスーパーコンティニューム, 光の生成~,
光アライアンス,Vol.19, No.8, p.3 - 西澤典彦,榊原陽一,伊東一良,「カーボンナノチューブを用いて安定なフェムト秒パルスファイバレーザーを開発」 レーザー加工学会誌,vol.15, no.4, 295 (2008)
- Kazuhiko Sumimura, Takefumi Ohta, and Norihiko Nishizawa, Quasi super continuum generation using programmably controlled wavelength tunable soliton pulses for optical coherence tomography,
CLEO2008, San Jose, USA, May 4-9, CMT6 - Takefumi Ohta, Norihiko Nishizawa, Tetsuya Ozawa, and Kazuyoshi Itoh, 3-Dimensional Measurement Using Electronically Controlled Wavelength-Tunable Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser,
CLEO2008, San Jose, USA, May 4-9, CMEE3 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Hideyuki Mitsuzawa, and Kazuhiko Sumimura, 0.45-1.40 um Visible to Near-Infrared Widely Broadened Super Continuum Generation Based on Er-doped Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser System
4th international conference on Laser Probing (LAP2008),October 6-10, Nagoya, Japan
,- Yosuke Ukai, Norihiko Nishizawa, Toshio Goto, Ultrafast All-Optical Switching Using Pulse Trapping by Ultrashort Soliton Pulse in Birefringent Optical Fiber,
Electronical Engineering in Japan, Vol.158, No.3, p.38 (2007) - Mitsumasa Matsuike, Norihiko Nishizawa, Masakazu Mori, Ryosuke Goto, Toshio Goto, Analysis of Correlations among Supercontinuum Spectra Using Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator,
Electronical Engineering in Japan, Vol.158, No.3, p.55 (2007) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Jun Takayanagi,
Octave spanning high-quality super continuum generation in all fiber system,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.24, No.8, pp.1786-1792, August, 2007. - Norihiko Nishizawa,Atsushi Murayama,
Pedestal suppression of ultrashort pulses by using a birefringent nonlinear polarization rotation mirror,
Optics Letters, Vol.32, No.24, pp.3516-3518, 2007
- 西澤 典彦(分担執筆),
サイエンス&テクノロジー,2007 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Toshio Goto, "Wideband ultrashort-pulse fiber laser sources using nonlinear effects in optical fibers", Nonlinear Optics and Applications, Chapter 4,
Research Signpost, 2007
- N. Nishizawa, A. Murayama, Birefringent Nonlinear Polarization Rotation Mirror for Pedestal Suppression
of Ultrashort Pulse,
CLEO2007, Baltimore, USA, May 6-11, CTuFF4 - N. Nishizawa,
Super Continuum Generation Using ps High Energy, Erdoped Fiber Laser at 1.55 um,
The 7th Pacific Rim Conference, on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007), M. Hori ,ThB2-4, 2007 - T. Ohta, N. Nishizawa, Highly-Sensitive and High-Resolution Three Dimensional, Measurement in All Fiber System,
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007, ThG2-5, August 30, 2007 - T. Ohta, N. Nishizawa, Highly functional optical control using ultrafast nonlinear optical effects induced by ultrashort pulse,
CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007, ThG2-5, August 30, 2007 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Highly functional optical control using ultrafast nonlinear optical effects induced by ultrashort pulse,
Asia-Pasific Optical Communications (APOC) 2007, 6783-110, Wuhan, China, 2007,(Invited) - Norihiko Nishizawa, Development and application of highly functional ultrashort pulse fiber laser,
8th Chitose International Forum (CIF8), Chitose, Japan, 2007,(Invited)
- 鵜飼庸介, 西澤典彦, 後藤俊夫, 複屈折ファイバにおける超短ソリトンパルスによるパルス捕捉を用いた超高速全光スイッチング
電気学会論文誌C, IEEJ Trans. EIS, Vol.126, No.1, p.24 (2006)(招待論文) - A.D. Aguirre, N. Nishizawa, J.G. Fujimoto, W. Seitz, M. Lederer, D. Kopf, Continuum generation in a novel photonic crystal fiber for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography at 800 nm and 1300 nm,
Optics Express, vol.14, no.3, p.1145 (2006) - Jun Takayanagi, Norihiko Nishizawa, Toshiharu Sugiura, Makoto Yoshida, Toshio Goto,
Generation of Pedestal-Free 22-fs Ultrashort Pulse Using Highly Nonlinear Fiber and Reverse-Dispersion Fiber,
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol.42, No.3, p.287 (March 2006) - N.Nishizawa, A.D.Aguirre, J.G Fujimoto,
Super continuum generation for real time ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.6102, p.61020H-1 (2006) - Jun Takayanagi, Norihiko Nishizawa,
Generation of Widely and Flatly Broadened, Low-Noise and High-Coherence Supercontinuum in All-Fiber System,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No.16, pp.L441-L443 (2006) - J. Takayanagi, T. Sugiura, M. Yoshida, N. Nishizawa, 1.0-1.7 um Wavelength-tunable ultrashort-pulse generation using femtosecond Yb-doped fiber laser and photonic crystal fiber,
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. Vol.18, no.21, p.2284 (2006)
- 西澤 典彦(分担執筆)「フェムト秒テクノロジー [基礎と応用]」
化学同人, 2006 - Norihiko Nishizawa, Toshio Goto,
"Novel super-continuum fiber lasers and wavelength-tunable soliton pulses"
SPIE Newsroom, 10.1117/1200612.0519, http://newsroom.spie.org/x5261.xml
- N. Nishizawa, A. D. Aguirre, J. G. Fujimoto, Super continuum generation for real time ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography,
Photonics West 2006, 6102-18 (January 2006, San Jose, USA) (Invited) - N. Nishizawa,
Ultrashort pulse generation using temporally overlapped two colored twin pulses generated by pulse trapping,
CLEO2006, Long Beach, USA, May 21-26, CMQ5 - J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, T. Sugiura, M. Yoshida,
1.0-1.7um wavelength-tunable ultrashort pulse generation using high-power mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser and highly-nonlinear photonic crystal fiber,
CLEO2006, Long Beach, USA, May 21-26, CMW7 - J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, Generation of low-noise and high-coherence, ultrabroad and flat supercontinuum using high-power Raman soliton pulse and highly nonlinear fiber,
CLEO2006, Long Beach, USA, May 21-26, CMGG3 - N. Nishizawa, Generation and Application of Ultrawideband Supercontinuum and Wavelength Tunable Soliton Pulses by use of Ultrashort Pulse and Optical Fibers,
International Conference of Laser Probing (LAP) 2006, 105-106, (Vienna, Austria, September 11-15, 2006)(Invited) - N. Nishizawa, Development of Novel Super Continuum Fiber Lasers and Wavelength Tunable Soliton Pulses,
Optics East 2006, 6389-48 (Boston, USA, October 1-4, 2006)(Invited)
- J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, H. Nagai, M. Yoshida, T. Goto, High-peak-power ultrashort pulse generation using all-fiber chirped pulse amplification system with small core multimode fiber
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 44, No.1A, p.177 (2005) - J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, H. Nagai, M. Yoshida, T. Goto, Generation of high-power femtosecond pulse and octave-spanning ultrabroad supercontinuum using all-fiber system
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.17, No.1, p.37 (2005) - T. Hori, N. Nishizawa, H. Nagai, M. Yoshida, T. Goto, Simple chromatic dispersion measurement by use of wavelength tunable Raman soliton pulse and two-photon absorption
Electronics Letters, Vol.41, No.1, p.32 (2005) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Chen, P. Hsiung, V. Sharma, T.H. Ko, E.P. Ippen, J.G. Fujimoto,
Real-time, ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography at 1.5 um using a femtosecond fiber laser continuum
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, p.876 (2005) - T. Hori, N. Nishizawa, T. Goto, Generation of 14-fs ultrashort pulse in all fiber scheme by use of highly nonlinear hybrid fiber
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, p.31 (2005) - J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, H. Nagai, M. Yoshida, T. Goto, High peak power ultrashort pulse generation using all-fiber chirped pulse amplification system with small core multimode fiber
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, p.34 (2005) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Ukai, T. Goto, Ultrafast all optical switching using pulse trapping in birefringent fibers
Optics Express, vol.13, no.20, p.8128 (2005) - 松生充正, 西澤典彦, 森 正和, 後藤了祐, 後藤俊夫,
電気学会論文誌C,Vol.125, no.11, p.1694 (2005),(招待論文)
- P. Hsiung, Y. Chen, N. Nishizawa, T.H. Ko, F.G. Fujimoto, C.J.S. de Matos, S.V. Popov, J.R. Taylor, J. Broeng, V.P. Gapontsev, All-fiber, CW, Raman continuum light source for ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography
Photonics West 2005 (January 2005, San Jose, U.S.A.) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Ukai, T. Goto, Ultrafast all optical switching using pulse trapping by orthogonally polarized ultrashort soliton pulse
Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) 2005, CThD5 (May 2005, Baltimore, U.S.A.) - M. Matsuike, N. Nishizawa, M. Mori, R. Goto, T. Goto, Experimental analysis of correlation among spectral components in widely broadened super continuum
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim 2005, QWAB3-P32 (July 2005, Tokyo, Japan) - N. Nishizawa, Y. Ukai, T. Goto, Ultrafast all optical switching in anomalous dispersion region using pulse trapping in birefringent fiber
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim 2005, CThM2-5 (July 2005, Tokyo, Japan) - A. Okamoto, T. Hori, N. Nishizawa, M. Mori, R. Goto, T. Goto, Coherence characteristics of super continuum generated with ultrashort pulse fiber laser and highly nonlinear fiber
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim 2005, CThC3-P8 (July 2005, Tokyo, Japan) - J. Takayanagi, N. Nishizawa, H. Nagai, M. Yoshida, T. Goto, Generation of pedestal free 22 fs ultrashort pulse with single peak spectrum using all-fiber laser system
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) Paciffic Rim 2005, CFM1-2 (July 2005, Tokyo, Japan) - N. Nishizawa, T. Ohta, T. Goto, Highly sensitive three dimensional measurement using ultrashort pulse fiber laser and fiber interferometer
International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC) and Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim 2005, CFK2-5 (July 2005, Tokyo, Japan) - J. Takayanagi, N.Nishizawa, Generation of ultrabroad and flat supercontinuum using high power Raman soliton pulse and highly nonlinear fiber
IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) 2005, ThV2 (October 2005, Sydney, Australia)